June 11, 1992


The meeting was called to order by Camp Commander Robert Bergen followed by the recital of the Pledge of Allegiance.


Other members in attendance were:

Bob Shaffer Ed Faatz Russ Jones Chuck Jones Bill Burns
Chuck Mercer Howard Saltz Joe Long Conrad Kwolek  



Flag bearers for the ceremonies at Lake Lincoln on July 4th will be Bob Bergen, Bob Yeager and Howard Saltz.


Joe Long gave a brief synopsis of events to be held at the Encampment:

Campfire, June 26th - free entertainment

Banquet - Camp Commander gets roasted

Delegate Card - 1 for every ten members, 6 for Camp

Registration - $5.00 for men, $3.00 for ladies

Wear badges at all meetings and events.

 Rubber stamps to mark Camp artifacts and books presented by Howard Saltz.


Joe Long reported that festivities on Memorial Day went well with approximately 70 people attending.


A discussion was also held concerning the idea of Camp Commander being Master of Ceremonies on Memorial Day and other events.  Improvement is also needed at our Camp meetings; we need to be more official.



The first unofficial meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary will be held on June 15th at the Museum.  There are now 14 members with 15 needed to procure our Charter at the June Encampment.


A Sons Reserve Corps uniform, hat, medals and badges was donated to the Camp by Mr. Weaver.


A new leather flag carrier was purchased for carrying the Camp Flag.  A motion to pay Joe Long for the purchase was made by Bob Shaffer and seconded by Bob Bergen.  The cost was $33.34.


Nominations were made to fill the vacant positions on the Board of the Memorial Association.  A motion was made by Joe Long to nominate Bob Shaffer and was seconded by Howard Saltz.  All were in favor.  A second motion was made by Joe Long nominating Russ Jones was seconded by Bob Shaffer.  All were in favor.


Ed Faatz made a motion that the Camp take out an ad in the National Booklet.  Joe Long reported that this had already been done.  Ed then challenged the attending members by donating $5.00 of his own to up the ante and place a full page ad in the booklet.  Donations were made and Joe Long volunteered to contact the appropriate person.


Bob Shaffer, Pennsylvania Department Patriotic Instructor, commented that this years contributions were low, but did thank the Camp for their support.


Joe Long offered the Camp's thanks to the Union and Confederate participants in the Memorial Day Ceremonies to Conrad Kwolek and Chuck Mercer.


The Camp's next Open House will be conducted on June 28th in conjunction with the Department's Encampment.


Bill Burns suggested that we have an Open House on Saturday due to the increase in local and tourist travel in the area.  It was then suggested that the next Open House after June be held on Saturday.  All members were in favor of this suggestion.


Bob Shaffer suggested that an a-frame type sign be acquired to be placed outside the Museum to display information concerning Open Houses and other events.


In regards to public relations, Ed Faatz suggested that, along with written correspondence, calls be made to newspapers and TV stations to keep them abreast of activities.  This would also suggest to them that we would really like them to present and to publicize our events.


Our next meeting will be held on July 9th, 1992.


With no further business, questions or comments, a motion to adjourn was made by Joe Long and seconded by Ed Faatz.


Respectfully Submitted,

Robert C. Shaffer

Asst. Secretary