January 14, 1993


The meeting was called to order by Sr. Vice Commander Russ P. Jones due to the absence of Camp Commander Bob Bergen.  This was followed by the recital of the Pledge of Allegiance.


Other members in attendance were:

Bob Shaffer Joe Long Bob Yeager Russ W. Jones
Ron Albert Bill Burns Bob Price  


The minutes from the last meeting were read and approved with no changes.



Joe Long reported that Auxiliary #10 had their meeting at the Museum on Sunday, January 9, 1993 at which time they voted to repay the Camp one half of the loan of $300.00.  A check for $150.00 was presented to Bob Shaffer by Joe Long.



 At this time, Joe Long reported that Bob Bergen had declined his nomination for Camp Commander.  It was then decided to have new nominations.  A motion to nominate Bob Shaffer was made by Bob Yeager and seconded by Joe Long.  All were in favor.  This left the office of Jr. Vice Commander vacant.  At this time, Bob Price nominated Bob Yeager.  The motion was seconded by Bob Shaffer.  All were in favor.  There was one more position to be filled and that was of Patriotic Instructor.  A nomination for Joe Long was made by Bob Yeager and seconded by Bob Price.  All were in favor.


A vote was taken to pay Joe Long the amount of $48.40 ($25.00 for the tip left at the restaurant due to an oversight when the check was made out and the $23.40 was for postage and 2 frames).


A further discussion was held pertaining to the scholarship.  Joe Long raised the issue that it should begin at the start of the school year.  A decision on the amount and number of persons has still not been finalized.  We also discussed the size of the essay and the time frame in which it should be accomplished.  Bob Yeager said there were a number of History Majors a the Dexter Hanley College, but these are full time workers and par time students.  Ron Albert brought up the possibility of contacting the School Districts and having the Senior classes write the essays.  At this time, it was decided to appoint a committee at the February meeting and let them make the recommendations to the Camp.  More discussions will follow.


Bob Shaffer said he would contact the carpenter about the sign for outside the Museum for Open Houses.



Joe Long reported on the applications of two individuals for enrollment in the Camp.  These men were Fred Leber and Ralph Leber.  Joe vouched for them and they were voted in with a unanimous decision.

 Bob Shaffer's time on the Board was about to expire.  Bob Yeager made a motion to re-elect Bob Shaffer to the Memorial Association Board.  This was seconded by Joe Long.  All were in favor.  This term would expire in five years.


Bob Yeager brought up the issue of members attending the Memorial Association meeting.  We now have at least three members who do not attend due to medical reasons and if one or two other members do not attend, a meeting cannot be held due to the lack of a quorum.  Is there any way we can appoint members to fill these vacancies on a temporary basis?  This question would have to be brought up to the Association at the next meeting.


With no further business, questions or comments, a motion to adjourn was made by Bob Yeager and seconded by Ron Albert.


Respectfully Submitted,

 Robert C. Shaffer

Asst. Secretary