May 13, 1993


The meeting was called to order by Camp Commander Bob Shaffer.  This was followed by the recital of the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer by Chaplain Bill Lindberg.


Other members in attendance were:

Joe Long Bob Price Ron Albert Russ P. Jones
Bill Burns Russ W. Jones Bob Yeager  


The minutes from the last three meetings were read and reviewed.  A motion to accept the minutes was made by Joe Long and seconded by Bill Lindberg.  All were in favor.



Bob Yeager reported that the meeting with Scranton School Board member Vince Rizzo went well.  Many ideas were discussed, but the one that really stood out was the one for an oral essay.  He also suggested that prominent area persons be selected as judges for this affair.  A further discussion will be held if needed and he will also be glad to address the Camp.


The sign is at the carpenters and as soon as Bob Shaffer gets it back it will go to painting.  Bill Lindberg reported that the person he had in mind would not be able to help us.  Our back-up will be contacted by Bob Yeager. 


Joe Long made a motion to pay the dues for the two Camp members (Jim Turnbull and Bill Gilbert) who have been unable to attend our meetings due to medical reasons.  The motion was seconded by Bob Yeager.   All were in favor.


Bill Lindberg reported that it would be easy to get information about the Sons in small local newspapers.  He suggested that we send a notice on Camp letterhead.  Bob Price mentioned the Carbondale News and said they are very cooperative.  Everyone agreed that the Times and Tribune were difficult to deal with.  Bill Lindberg volunteered to handle getting the word out.



Joe Long reported that someone wants to sell the cannon at Forest Hill Cemetery.  A man from the Philadelphia area had offered $5000.  Joe said the cannon belongs to the Federal Government, not the cemetery.  The GAR is the caretaker.  Don Cahoon called the cemetery to have this stopped.


Memorial Day will be here soon.  Arrangements to pick-up chairs and the PA system will be finalized at the Association meeting.  Still no word from Phil Clifford on the name of the Boy Scout to deliver the Gettysburg Address.  It was suggested to contact the Cub Master in our Camp next year to obtain a Cub Scout for this duty.


Joe Long, Russ P. Jones, Bob Yeager and Ron Albert volunteered to carry the flags this year at Lake Lincoln.  Bob Yeager is alternate if Ron Albert is unable to make it.


A motion to buy another flag carrier was made by Bob Shaffer and seconded by Bill Lindberg.  All were in favor.


Ron Albert went to Ohio Civil War sale in Mansfield.  He travelled Route 6, the GAR Highway, and observed the various monuments along the way.


Bob Price contacted Mr. Bubernich about his dues.  He said he would pay, but we have not received as of yet.


With no further business, questions or comments, a motion to adjourn was made by Joe Long and seconded by Bill Burns.


Respectfully Submitted,

Robert C. Shaffer

Asst. Secretary