December 9, 1993


The meeting was called to order by Camp Commander Bob Shaffer, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.


Other members in attendance were:

Joe Long Ron Albert Bill Burns Russ W. Jones Bob Yeager


The minutes from the November meeting were read and approved.



Joe Long read the financial report.  It was regularly moved, seconded and referred to the Audit Committee.  At this time, an Audit Committee was appointed by Commander Shaffer.  The two members are Ron Albert and Russ W. Jones.



Brother Kelly sent in his dues and has been re-instated on the Camp roster.


Joe Long and Bob Shaffer reported that the packets to be sent out to the members have been readied and will be sent out in the mail.


Bob Shaffer reported that there have been no new developments on the cannon issue.  Hopefully, we will hear something at the Association meeting.


Bob Shaffer read the Camp News Report.  He covered new officers, upcoming meetings, dues and per capita taxes.  Bill Burns asked what the per capita taxes were and Joe Long explained.  We also discussed the issue of raising dues in 1995.


The Memorial Association has approved the purchase of cards and food baskets for our 2 shut-in members.  We will discuss delivering them sometime around the 20 or 21 of December.


Joe Long passed around a Christmas Card for Art Reeser and he will send it to him.


Joe also reported seeing Jim Turnbull.  He is doing well and he gave his best to the members.



 further discussion was held concerning the donation to the Yearbook and it was decided not to make a donation at this time.


Joe Long reported that the Department President will be coming to the area.  He suggested that we have a joint dinner in her honor.  The February - April time frame is the target.


We also discussed Memorial Day.  The Camp will take over this function.


On January 22, the 2nd Virginia will be having their Dinner and all Camp members are invited to attend.


Joe Long and Bob Shaffer have been recruited into the Sons Veterans Reserve Corps.  They were initiated at Gettysburg.


On his vacation to Cancun, Mexico, Ron Albert attended a Revolution Day Parade.


Joe Long said he would contact George Long at the Lancaster Camp in reference to obtaining speakers for upcoming meetings.


An Open House will be held on Presidents Day weekend (mid February).  We are asking reenactment members that can attend to come in uniform.


At this time we had the installation of the new officers for the upcoming year.  Past Camp Commander Bob Yeager was the Installing Officer.


With no further business or discussions, a motion to adjourn was made by Ron Albert and seconded by Bob Yeager.  All were in favor.


Respectfully Submitted,

Robert C. Shaffer

Asst. Secretary