February 10, 1994


The meeting was called to order by Camp Commander Bob Shaffer, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.


Other members in attendance were:

Joe Long Ron Albert Bill Burns Dennis Rightmire
John Ferry Bob Yeager Russ P. Jones Bob Price


The minutes from the January meeting were read and approved.



Joe Long read the financial report.  It was regularly moved, seconded and referred to the Audit Committee. 



On a sad note, it was learned that Brother Bill Gilbert had passed away.  A sympathy card was received from the Department Chaplin.


A motion to hold the 50/50 drawing at future meetings was made by Bob Yeager and seconded by Bill Burns.  All were in favor.  One half would go to the Camp and the other to the lucky ticket holder.


Joe Long spoke of the upcoming Encampment Book and said the deadline for ads would be in May.


Bob Yeager, Joe Long and their wives attended the 2nd Virginia  dinner.  All had a good time.



Joe Long presented a bill for $19.28 for payment of postage, picture frames and membership cards.  A motion to pay Joe was made by Russ P. Jones and seconded by Bob Price.  All were in favor.


Joe Long reported that Mary Ann Beckage spoke to Pat Thomas about coming to the February 27th Ladies Auxiliary meeting.  She will give a talk on the Ghost of Gettysburg.  Bob Shaffer made a motion to have Joe Long send out letters to all Camp members about the meeting.  Bob Yeager seconded and all were in favor.


A discussion was held on the subject of future speakers.  It was decided to ask the members and guests attending to make a donation based on the cost and locality of the speaker.


A discussion concerning Memorial Day was also held.  The following is a list of requirements:

Joe Long brought up the need for a member on the Memorial Association to replace our deceased member, Bill Gilbert.


John Ferry suggested we invite Danny Wheeler and Company from the Ithaca New York area down for one of our Open Houses.  This will promote Brotherhood between Camps from other states.


With no further business or discussions, a motion to adjourn was made by Ron Albert and seconded by Dennis Rightmire.  All were in favor.


Respectfully Submitted,

Robert C. Shaffer

Asst. Secretary