October 13, 1994


The meeting was called to order by Camp Commander Bob Shaffer, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.


Other members in attendance were:

Joe Long

Bob Yeager

Bill Burns

Russ W. Jones

Mark Myers

Russ P. Jones

Bob Price


Also in attendance was Phil Jones, the Brother of Russ W. Jones.         


The minutes from the June  meeting were read.  A motion to accept the minutes was made by Joe Long and seconded by Bill Burns.  All were in favor.  There was no meeting in September due to lack of attendance.



Joe Long read the financial report.  It was also noted that all members had paid for 1994.


Joe Long also reported that the winners of the monthly drawings for July, August and September were:

July - Eugene Fanucci

August - Helen Adamiak

September - Elizabeth Himelovsky


A motion to accept the Financial report was made by Mark Myers and seconded by Russ P. Jones .   All were in favor.  The report was referred to the Audit Committee.



Joe Long reported that the Spanish American War Flag has been completed and the new flag is now ready to be carried in the Ceremonies at Lake Lincoln.



 The dinner meeting has been scheduled for November 5th, 1994 at the Six East Restaurant with the Guest Speaker being Mr. Glenn Knight of the Lancaster County Historical Society.  He will speak on the subject of Genealogy.


Joe Long made a motion to pay for Mr. And Mrs. Knight’s dinner and also give them $60.00 toward expenses.  Bill Burns seconded the motion and all were in favor.


Joe Long presented bills totaling $54.80 for postage and certificates.  A motion to pay Joe was made by Bob Price and seconded by Russ P. Jones.  All were in favor.


Bob Yeager presented a membership application for his brother, Charles Yeager.  A membership committee composed of Bob Yeager, Bob Price and Bill Burns was appointed to review the application.  It was signed and Mr. Yeager was voted a member.


Joe Long mentioned that we were in need of new envelopes.  Bob Shaffer made a motion to buy the new envelopes.  Bill Burns seconded the motion and all were in favor.


Joe Long resigned as a County appointed member of the Memorial Association.  It was recommended that Russ P. Jones take his place.  It was also proposed to elect Joe Long, Mark Myers and Bill Burns to the Memorial Association Board.  All were in favor.


A motion to give the new Ladies Auxiliary President as gift of $50.00 was made by Russ P. Jones and seconded by Bob Price.  All were in favor.


Russ P. Jones brought up the idea of trying to change the Camp meeting dates to correspond  to the Memorial Association meetings.  A discussion was held, but no decision was made.  It will be discussed again at the next meeting.


The Camp meeting 50/50 drawing was won by Joe Long.


With no further business, comments or discussion, a motion to adjourn was made by Bob Price and seconded by Bill Burns.  All were in favor.


Respectfully Submitted,

Robert C. Shaffer
