January 12, 1995


The meeting was called to order by Camp Commander Russell P. Jones, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.


Other members in attendance were:

Joe Long Bob Shaffer Phil Jones Russ W. Jones
Bob Yeager Bob Price Dennis Rightmire Mark Myers


The minutes from the November and December  meetings  were read and approved by a motion from Joe Long seconded by Bob Price.  All were in favor.



Joe Long read the financial report.  It was noted that the new checking account with Melon Bank would only charge a fee of $3.00 instead of the $15.00 at the old bank.  It was regularly moved, seconded and referred to the Audit Committee.  At this time, an Audit Committee consisting of Bob Shaffer and Bob Yeager reviewed the books from the previous year.  The books were signed off at this time.



It was noted at this time that we had just lost another member.  Brother Kenneth Rhodes passed away on January 6th.


The 2nd Virginia Dinner will be held at the Tripp House.  There will be 13 members from the Camp attending.


The Camp Dinner at the Six East Restaurant is progressing very well.  Bill Lindberg placed an ad in the Happenings, a local news bulletin.


Bob Yeager returned the Camp’s Charter.  It seems Attorney O’Brien never picked it up from Bob.


A discussion on the number of meetings the Camp should hold was held.  Bob Price made a motion to hold the meeting the same day as the Board meeting.  It was decided to try it in February on the 16th at 6:30.  The motion was seconded by Bob Yeager.  All were in favor.  July and August would be our off months.



There were two new members and 1 member re-instated at this meeting.  Michael C. Ross was re-instated and our new members were Steven E. Bowers and William H. Bowers, sons of Harold Bowers of the Camp.  It was decided that Camp Council would handle the duties of the membership committee.


Commander Jones suggested at this time that we refund the dues of the deceased members due to the fact that they had just paid them days before.  A discussion was held and it was decided  that we would not refund the dues.


Chaplain Lindberg sent cards of sympathy to the families.


Howard Wolfe sent down small calendars for the members.  He is also making a name tag and desk plaque for us to take in consideration.


Joe Long presented a bill for $49.24 ($47.70 stamps and $1.54 for phone calls).  A motion to pay the bill was made by Bob Shaffer and seconded by Dennis Rightmire.  All were in favor.


Joe Long made it known to the Camp that the County Commissioners pay us $75.00 to replace the flags and markers at the local cemeteries having Civil War soldiers plots and also Spanish American War vets.  He also suggested that we get out earlier than other veterans groups this year.  He suggested May the 6th.


Commander Jones renewed the idea of refacing the graves at the local cemeteries.  This would mean putting down a new base and securing a new marker.  Joe Long will contact the Dunmore Cemetery and a further discussion will be held in February.


A discussion was held on the probability of getting together with other Camps.  More discussion to be held.


Commander Jones suggested that we update our By-Laws.  Secretary Shaffer typed one of the old By-Law books to give a general idea of what the By-Laws are.  Joe Long will try to find a copy of the Ross Camp By-Laws for comparison.


Secretary Shaffer suggested that we formulate an information packet to be handed out to new and prospective members.


Commander Jones proposed a joint Open House with the Ladies Auxiliary.  We would have a clean-up along with sweeping and waxing floors.


The winner of the December drawing was Frances Polifka.


The winner of the 50/50 drawing was Russ W. Jones.          


With no further business, questions or discussion, a motion to adjourn was made by Joe Long and seconded by Phil Jones.  All were in favor.


Respectfully Submitted,

Robert C. Shaffer
