May 18, 1995


The meeting was called to order by Commander Russell P. Jones, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.


Other members in attendance were:

Joe Long Russ W. Jones Phil Jones Dennis Rightmire Bob Price
Mark Myers Bob Baker Bill Lindberg Bob Yeager  


The minutes from the April  meeting were read.  A motion to accept the minutes was made by Joe Long and seconded by Bill Lindberg.  All were in favor.



Joe Long read the financial report.  Joe also mentioned that the drawing held in April was won by Steve Narsavage.    There are still 9 members who have not paid their dues.  A motion to accept the financial report was made.  All were in favor.  The report was accepted and referred to the audit committee.



The cemetery project for May 2nd had been cancelled.


Flag replacement for Dunmore Cemetery has been set for May 23rd at 6:00 p.m.


An upcoming dinner has been planned for the Tripp House on September 30th.  The caterer is Cathy Gavin (Sterna's).


Grave Restoration - Joe has made up a partial list for Dunmore Cemetery.  He will also speak to Ray Deveraux.  Biggest problem is permission from the Cemetery.



Application for Membership from Robert Long.  Referred to membership committee:  Dennis Rightmire, Phil Jones and Bob Price.


Joe Long presented a bill for $30.20 for stamps.  A motion to pay Joe was made by Bill Lindberg and seconded by Bob Price.  All were in favor.


A Thank You letter was received from Danny Wheeler for our donation to the National Patriotic Instructor of $10.00.


The Sons of the Revolutionary War have toured the Museum.


On May 27th, Joe Long will be going to Wilkes-Barre to represent the Camp at a Civil War Monument Rededication.


A discussion on the Memorial Day Services was held.


A $20.00 donation was approved for the 2nd Virginians Memorial Day support.


With no further questions, business or discussions, a motion to adjourn was made by Joe Long and seconded by Bob Price.


Respectfully Submitted,

Robert C. Shaffer
