November 16, 1995


The meeting was called to order by Commander Russell P. Jones, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.


Other members in attendance were:

Joe Long Mark Myers Bill Lindberg Phil Jones
Bob Shaffer Russ W. Jones Bob Yeager  


The minutes from the October  meeting were read.  A motion to accept the minutes was made by Bill Lindberg and seconded by Phil Jones.  All were in favor.



Joe Long read the financial report with the following information:

     The Help Fund is now at $77.50

     4 Members have now paid their dues for 1996.

     Ticket winner for October was Donald Ricci.

     Howard Wolfe’s Life Membership has been sent to National.


A motion to accept the Financial report was made by Bob Shaffer and seconded by Russ W. Jones.  All were in favor and the report was referred to the audit committee.



Commander Jones handed out copies of the article that was printed in the Civil War News which he received from Carl Miller.


Joe Long started the discussion on the Essay Contest.  He suggested trying one school (6th or 7th grade) and have one winner for each grade.  It was suggested that Joe Long contact the West Side School since he has visited there several times.


Logo discussion to be held in December.



Joe Long reported that a Happy Holiday Party was scheduled to be held at the Northeast Veterans Center in Scranton.  A motion to donate $50.00 to their cause was made by Joe Long and seconded by Bob Yeager.  All were in favor.


A discussion was also held on donating to Hospice St. John (terminally ill).  Bob Yeager and Bill Lindberg suggested we only donate to Military Organizations since that is what we are all about.


Joe Long requested permission to take one of the Charters to someone to have the glass replaced.  Permission granted.


Secretary Shaffer read the notes received from the Department Secretary.  Secretary Kern requested a listing of all members and especially those holding dual memberships.  A deadline of November 24 was given.


Secretary Shaffer also read a letter received from the Dunmore Cemetery which concerned the purchase of the Columbian Cannon and shot from the Cemetery.  Commander Jones suggested that letters should be sent to all Cemeteries in the area concerning this matter.


Bob Shaffer presented a bill for $12.74 for postage and supplies.  A motion to pay Bob was made by Bill Lindberg and seconded by Bob Yeager.  All were in favor.


Commander Jones made a motion that we set up an operating budget for the Secretary and Treasurer so that they can handle these matters without having to pay for anything out of their pocket.  It was suggested that the Secretary be set up with a budget of $50.00 and the Treasurer’s budget be $100.00.  Bill Lindberg seconded this motion and all were in favor.  It was also decided to pay Joe for the 110 stamps he purchased out of his pocket.


Bill Lindberg reported that Bob Price was out of the Hospital but he still has problems.  It was suggested that we use our fund to send Bob flowers from the Camp.  Joe will check.


Commander Jones appointed a membership committee consisting of Bob Yeager, Bill Lindberg and Phil Jones to review the application of Mr. Clifford.  After a few questions, the application was approved.


The regular meeting was then suspended and the nomination of Officers was then begun (Commander, Sr. Vice Commander, Jr. Vice Commander, Secretary and Treasurer).


Bob Shaffer made an overall motion to nominate the Officers that now held these positions to continue on for the next year.  Bill Lindberg seconded and all were in favor.  Nominations will be re-opened prior to voting at the December meeting.


The winner of the 50/50 drawing was Bob Shaffer.


With no further business, questions or discussion, a motion to adjourn was made by Bill Lindberg and seconded by Russ W. Jones.  All were in favor.


Respectfully Submitted,

Robert C. Shaffer
