April 18, 1996


The meeting was called to order by Commander Russell P. Jones, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.


Other members in attendance were:

Joe Long Mark Myers Bill Lindberg Phil Jones
Bob Shaffer Russ W. Jones Dennis Rightmire  


The minutes from the March  meeting were read.  A motion to accept the minutes was made by Joe Long and seconded by Bill Lindberg.  All were in favor.



Joe Long read the financial report with the following information:

     The Help Fund is now at $91.00.

     Ticket winner for March was Mark Lewis.

     71 members have paid their dues, 24 have not.                     


A motion to accept the Financial report was made by Bill Lindberg and seconded by Dennis Rightmire.  All were in favor and the report was referred to the audit committee.



Ann Price returned information regarding donations for a stained glass window for the First United Methodist Church of Carbondale.  Joe Long made a motion to donate $100.00 to this cause and also pay for a one year subscription to the Banner for Bob Price’s grandson.  Russ W. Jones seconded the motion and all were in favor.


Secretary Shaffer brought in copies of the Sterling Voice with the article about the Sons and our Camp.  He also showed what the Business Card Ad was going to look like.


Joe Long reported that the essays have gone out to the classes.  He also showed the Certificates that will be presented to the winners.


Commander Jones showed the sound system he bought for the Camp.  It was on sale for $129.00, plus he purchase a mic stand and the total was $159.97.


Secretary Shaffer reported sending a letter to Charles Mercer inviting the 143rd and 2nd Virginia  to participate in this years Memorial Day Services.  No reply as of yet.


Bill Lindberg presented his ideas for the questionnaire to be sent out to the members.


The tombstone project is still on hold.


Commander Jones reported that Russ Pritchard is scheduled in Scranton on May 7th at 11:00 a.m. for his deposition concerning the cannon.



A discussion was held concerning the vacancy on the Memorial Association Board (Bob Price).  Joe Long nominated Russ W. Jones to fill the vacancy.  Bill Lindberg made a motion to close the nominations when no other nominations were made.  Bob Shaffer seconded the motion and all were in favor.  Commander Jones appointed Russ W. Jones to fill the vacancy on the board.


Commander Jones appointed the following members to a Membership Committee to review the application of James McElroy submitted by Bill Lindberg: Phil Jones, Dennis Rightmire and Mark Myers.


The application was signed by all members of the committee.


Commander Jones made a motion to place a one half page ad ($35.00) in the program for the Military Order of the Purple Heart.  Bill Lindberg seconded and all were in favor. 


The winner of the 50/50 drawing was Joe Long.


With no further business, questions or discussion, a motion to adjourn was made by Bob Shaffer and seconded by Bill Lindberg.  All were in favor.


Respectfully Submitted,

Robert C. Shaffer
