September 19, 1996


The meeting was called to order by Commander Russell P. Jones, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.


Other members in attendance were:

Joe Long Carl Miller Dennis Rightmire Bob Shaffer Russ W. Jones
Bill Lindberg Mark Myers Ron Albert Bob Herron Bob Yeager


The minutes from the June meeting were read.



Joe Long read the financial report with the following information:

     The Help Fund as of June is $112.50.

     Ticket winner for July (Sam Noone) & August (Robert Naughton)

     Members Paid: May (72); June (81); July *83) & September (85)


A $75 dollar donation was made by Lackawanna County for the Camp placing flags on the graves at local cemeteries.


A $100.00 dollar donation was made to the Camp to be put to use for Patriotic purposes. 


A motion to accept the Financial report was made by Bill Lindberg and seconded by Russ W. Jones.  All were in favor and the report was referred to the audit committee.



Joe Long and Russ P. Jones represented the Camp at the Flag Presentation for the 81st PVI.


Discussion on revocation of membership of Phil Clifford.  Motion made by Bob Yeager and seconded by Russ W. Jones at the June meeting.  Motion needs a 3 meeting review.  Will vote on motion in October.


Commander Jones brought in copies of essays to the Camp for filing.


Bob Yeager brought up to the Camp that the original Spanish American War Flag is missing.


Commander Jones reported on the upcoming dinners for the Department Auxiliary President and the Department Commander.


Commander Jones read the proposed Department By-Laws and major actions taken by the Department at the annual Encampment.


Secretary Shaffer passed around General Order #1 from the Department Secretary.



Bill Lindberg presented the Camp with a Certificate of Membership from the Department for attaining the goal for new members for the year.  He also reported on the many resolutions and discussions held at the Encampment.  Former Department Secretary Simpson finally handed over all files to the Department.  There will be a mid-year meeting in Carlisle on November 2 and all are invited to attend.


Commander Jones reported on the drastic change in life membership cost.


New member, Bob Herron was introduced to the members.


Bill Lindberg asked about who would be interested in taking an inventory of the Museum.  Further discussion to be held in October.   Commander Jones suggested a winter project.


Joe Long presented the Camp with articles from past Encampments.


Commander Jones appointed a membership committee consisting of Dennis Rightmire, Russ W. Jones and Mark Myers to review the application of Thomas Mooney.  All were in favor.


Joe Long reported that two members had passed away.  These members were: John E. Thomas and Robert H. Reese.


Carl Miller won the 50/50 drawing.


With no further business, questions or discussion, a motion to adjourn was made by Bob Shaffer and seconded by Mark Myers.  All were in favor.


Respectfully Submitted,

Robert C. Shaffer
