January 21, 1999


The meeting was called to order by Commander Russ W. Jones, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.


Other members in attendance were:

Bob Yeager Joe Long Russ P. Jones Ron Albert Bill Lindberg
Chuck Jones Bob Shaffer Earl Folk Phil Jones  


The minutes from the December  meeting were approved as read.  A motion to accept the minutes was made by Bill Lindberg and seconded by Ron Albert.  All were in favor.



Joe Long read the financial report with the following information:

     End Balance as of December - $1,908.86

     Interest on CD’s - $494.17

     Interest on Checking Account - $2.14

     Treasury Balance - $6,401.93

     Help members fund $278.00

     Ticket winner for November - Bob Corning

     27 Members have paid dues


A motion to accept the Financial report was made by Bob Shaffer and seconded by Russ P. Jones.   All were in favor and the report was referred to the audit committee.



Ron Albert, Joe Long and Bill Lindberg will be visiting the Choconut Elementary School in the Montrose School District to present the awards for the Essay Contest on January 28, 1999 at 2:30 p.m.  Mrs. Palmasano, 5th grad teacher and Bill Lindberg will get pictures.


Cannon - Decision to go ahead with the lawsuit as read from correspondence from Oliver, Price and Rhodes.  Scheduled Trial date is February 15th at 9:00 a.m.


A letter of appreciation for Carl Miller’s donation to the camp will be sent by Secretary Shaffer.  A motion was made at this time by Russ P. Jones to pay Mr. Miller’s dues for the year 1999.  Bob Yeager seconded the motion and all were in favor.  Joe will send the card to Secretary Shaffer to include in the letter.



Commander Jones brought up for discussion the idea of getting a phone for the museum.  It centered around a commercial or cell phone.  Joe Long said that there was also an Auxiliary member checking into this.


Joe Long reported on two (2) members for the Camp.  They are Douglas and Gary Reeser.  He also reported that we had three (3) transfers from Memorial Camp #300, two (2) from Stroudsburg and one (1) from Allentown.  One (1) transfer from National from the Wilkes-Barre area in December.  We now have 99 members and 3 juniors.


Bill Lindberg reported on an E-Mail from Paul Immel on the Battle of Buffington Island.  Seems like there is a dispute brewing on the excavation of the land.  Mr. Immel suggests sending letters of disapproval to different agencies.  Bill will get more info.


Secretary Shaffer brought up for discussion a gesture of good faith to a teenage girl, Miss Tiffany Swingle, in his area who had been inflicted with a rare form of meningitis.  Joe Long made the motion to use our help members fund a sum of $50.00 and Chuck Jones seconded.  All were in favor.


Russ P. Jones started a discussion on making the Museum and Library available for use by Attorneys’ for Russ Pritchard if they should need to gather any more information.  It was also brought up about the value of the artifacts in the Museum and if we had the necessary insurance coverage.  A discussion was also held about replacing the existing door with a steel door and having an alarm system installed.  Issue will be brought up at the Memorial Association Meeting.


Secretary Shaffer suggested that an entry be made in the next newsletter so that members with computers and access to the Internet will send their E-Mail address to Russ P. Jones or Secretary Shaffer so as to cut down on cost of postage.


Joe Long donated a book to the Museum on the History of the Southern Confederacy, 1956.


Phil Jones asked if the Organization had a Scholarship Fund?  It was suggested that he contact the National Commander for further information.


Secretary Shaffer made a motion to adjourn the regular meeting and proceed to the installation of officers for the new year.  It was seconded by Bob Yeager and all were in favor.  Commander Jones appointed Russ P. Jones as the installation Officer.


Russ P. Jones won the 50/50 drawing and contributed his winnings to the donation for Tiffany Swingle.  Bill Lindberg and Bob Shaffer also made contributions which made it a total of $75.00. 


With no further business, questions or discussion, a motion to adjourn was made by Russ P. Jones and seconded by Bob Shaffer.  All were in favor.


Respectfully Submitted,

Robert C. Shaffer
