October 19, 2000


The meeting was called to order by Commander Phil C. Jones, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.


Other members in attendance were:

Joe Long Ron Albert Bob Shaffer John Schaefer
Russ P. Jones Don Cahoon Russ W. Jones  


The minutes from the September meeting were approved as read.  A motion to accept the minutes was made by Joe Long and seconded by Russ W. Jones.  All were in favor.



Joe Long read the financial report with the following information:

     1 member paid dues

     Help members fund $244.00

     June & July no winners to date

     October 5 Balance - $2,193.69


A motion to accept the Financial report was made by Russ P. Jones and seconded by Bob Shaffer.   All were in favor and the report was referred to the audit committee.



Essay winners were: 1ST Place - Jamie Rickard, 2nd Place - John Richter and 3rd Place - Jacquelyn Harris.


Luncheon: 49 people attended.  Most left due to Fog and wanted to get home early.  5 members of camp #15 went to Museum.  We had representation from Lancaster, Carlisle and Harrisburg.  Department Commander could not make it.  Camp Member Don Cahoon was presented a 50 year badge by Sr. Vice Commander Charlie Kuhn.  He was very pleased and thanked everyone.


Grave Re-Dedication: Members attending the re-dedication of PCinC Wheeler’s GGGrandfathers’ grave were: Mr. & Mrs. Danny Wheeler, PA Department Jr. Vice Commander Bob Shaffer & daughter Danielle of Auxiliary 10, Camp 8 Commander & Mrs. Phil Jones, Mr. & Mrs. Russ P. Jones and James Straub Jr.  Reverend Arthur Davis from the Asbury Methodist Church did a fine job performing the ceremony.


Press Correspondent: Commander Jones has shown interest in this position in which he would  be sending information to the banner concerning the re-dedication, luncheon, essays, etc.


Phone - tabled indefinitely


Book shelves - Commander Jones will notify Bob Yeager on progress.



Joe Long made a motion to get a $1000 CD from North Penn.  Russ W. Jones seconded and all were in favor.


Secretary Shaffer read a letter from the Michigan Department seeking donations for the restoration of their Civil War Monument and Fountain.  Joe Long made a motion to send them $15.00 and Bob Shaffer seconded.  All were in favor.


Camp #14 secretary Jim Cordek talked to Secretary Shaffer about the re-dedication of the Civil War Monument in Johnstown on November 11.  He invited all to attend.


Joe Long reported that we have had no more artifacts from the Miller family.


Cannon Issue - Don Cahoon reported that an Attorney in Philadelphia has been contacted in regards to us getting our judgment.  Fees are being negotiated for detective, paralegal, etc.  These fees could be as much as $250 per hour which he was doubtful that we would get back.


At this time, the nomination of Officers was held:

Commander: Ron Albert

Sr. Vice: Russ W. Jones

Jr. Vice: John Schaefer

Secretary: Bob Shaffer

Treasurer: Joe Long

Patriotic Instructor: Chuck Jones

Chaplain: Mark Myers

Historian: Joe Long

Guide: Howard Lane

Guard: Earl Folk

Color Guide: Howard Wolfe

Council: Phil C. Jones, Russ P. Jones & Bob Yeager

Press Correspondent: Phil C. Jones


Russ P. Jones made a motion to close nominations and Bob Shaffer seconded.  All were in favor.


With no further business, questions or discussion, a motion to adjourn was made by Joe Long and seconded by Ron Albert.  All were in favor.


Respectfully Submitted,

Robert C. Shaffer
