September 19, 2002


The meeting was called to order by Sr. Vice Commander John Schaefer, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.


Other members in attendance were:

Joe Long Bob Baker Russ W. Jones Russ P. Jones Phil Jones


The minutes for the June meeting were not available due to the absence of Secretary Shaffer.  


Joe Long read the financial report with the following information:

     End Balance for August $1,525.91

     June ticket winner – Bob Naughton

     July ticket winner – Joe Galuska

     August ticket winner –  Mary Mazzaccaro

     September ticket winner – Beverly Shurites

     Members dropped:  Mark Myers, Clark Rightmire, and John Storm who had passed away.



July 4th was attended by Joe Long, Russ P. Jones, Russ W. Jones and Howard Wolfe who carried the Flags in the procession.  Other members present were Bob Shaffer and Jim Straub.  Auxiliary members present were Julie Esty, Danielle Shaffer and MaryJo Long.



Russ P. Jones reported that Commander Albert would be absent the remainder of the year due to ongoing health problems.


Joe put together a new staff for the Camp flag from pieces he found in the Museum.


We need to decide on some tentative dates for inviting the Department Commander to a meeting.  Joe suggested having a Saturday night dinner.  He will come back with dates in early December.


The per capita tax has increased by $6.00 per quarter.  We need to increase our dues accordingly.  Also, per capita tax will now be collected once per year.  This means that any member who has not paid his dues by April will have to be dropped.  A letter will be drafted and sent out to the membership explaining the situation.  A vote will be taken at the October meeting.


A membership application for junior membership was submitted by Robert Sweeney III, son and grandson of an existing member.  An application for full membership was received from Melvin Gross from the Muncy area.  Another application was received from Joseph McGraw from Forest City.  A membership committee comprised of Russ W. Jones, John Schaefer and Bob Baker approved the applications. 


Bob Baker reported that he visited the old GAR Hall in Factoryville and made a list of several books they have, including Department Encampment Records.


Joe Long reported that he was not successful in his pursuit of the Jr. Vice CinC office.


With no further business, questions or discussion, a motion to adjourn was made by Russ W. Jones and seconded by Joe Long.  All were in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Russell P. Jones for

Robert C. Shaffer
