October 17, 2002


The meeting was called to order by Sr. Vice Commander John Schaefer, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.


Other members in attendance were:

Joe Long Bob Shaffer Russ W. Jones Russ P. Jones
Phil Jones Bob Baker Howard Wolfe  


The minutes for the June and September meetings were read with minor corrections.  A motion to accept the minutes was made by Bob Baker and seconded by Russ P. Jones.  All were in favor.  



Joe Long read the financial report with the following information:

     No statement had been received for October

     End Balance for September $1,493.50

     Second September ticket winner – Dan Fogerty

     Member re-instated:  Fred Leber

     47 members have paid their 2003 dues


A motion to accept the financial report was made by Russ P. Jones and seconded by Bob Shaffer.  All were in favor and the report was referred to the audit committee.



Department Commander’s visit -  A discussion was held for the months of April or May.  A decision to table this issue was made.


No information as of yet on the flag case.  Commander Albert is still recuperating from his health problems and will contact the individual in the near future.


Bob Baker and Joe Long visited the Factoryville Borough Hall, which was the old GAR Hall (Camp or Post #219), to check the condition of some books and the Charter that was there.  The books were not valuable, but a discussion was held on what to suggest to do with the Charter.  Joe suggested that we contact someone to see if they would like to donate it to the Museum or get it framed and hang it in the Borough Hall.  If it was to be left in the Borough Hall, who should pay to get it framed?  This should be done as soon as possible to preserve the condition of the Charter.  Joe Long made a motion that he and Bob Baker approach the Borough and ascertain an answer to this question.  Russ W. Jones seconded and all were in favor. 



Joe Long presented a Membership Certificate for Joseph McGraw for a signature.  The certificate will be sent to the new member.


A discussion was held on donating the cheaper American Flag and staff we have to the Searfoss Camp.  This Camp is just getting on their feet and need a little help.  Joe Long made a motion to donate the Flag and Russ P. Jones seconded.  All were in favor.  Howard Wolfe will make a plate annotating the donation and the date.


Joe Long has been approached by the Civil War Round Table in Dallas about visiting the Museum.  They have approximately  70 members.  Dates considered were preferably the 7th or 8th of December at 1:00 pm


Bradbury Camp #149 in Exton will be hosting the Appomattox Day Dinner this year.  It will be held on the Saturday closest to April 9th.  All members are urged to attend.


Joe found two (2) glass cases with electric, chrome and glass, in West Scranton.  They are asking $250 dollars each.  Will hold off for now.  Bob Baker will check with the going out of business

 Ames in Tunkhannock and Russ W. Jones will check with the Ames in Kingston.


Russ W. Jones presented a bill for two (2) books he purchased for the Library: Rickett’s Battery 1st PA Light Artillery and Avery Harris’ Civil War Journal of the 143rd PA Infantry.  Bob Shaffer made a motion we pay Russ’ bill.  Joe Long seconded and all were in favor.


Secretary Shaffer presented correspondence:  (1) Dedication Day dinner in Gettysburg on November 16th, 2002 at 6:00 p.m.  (2) Department Order #2 concerning the resignation of Brother Richard Partington as Department Chaplain, the Summit Hill Cannon issue, Mid Year meeting and Remembrance Day and (3) National Order #2 concerning the per capita tax increase.


Secretary Shaffer presented a bill to replenish his expense account.  A motion to replenish the account was made by Russ W. Jones and seconded by Bob Baker.  All were in favor.


With no further business, questions or discussion, a motion to adjourn was made by Russ W. Jones and seconded by Joe Long.  All were in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Robert C. Shaffer
