December 12, 2002


The meeting was called to order by Commander Ron Albert, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.


Other members in attendance were:

Joe Long John Schaefer Russ W. Jones Phil Jones
Robert Baker Bob Yeager John Hart John Hart III


The minutes for the November meeting were read.  A motion to accept the minutes was made by Russ W. Jones and seconded by Bob Baker.  All were in favor.  



Joe Long read the financial report with the following information:

     End Balance for December $2,479.42

     Audit to be done in January

     68 members have paid their 2003 dues

     No ticket winner due to early meeting date in December


A motion to accept the financial report was made by Russell W. Jones and seconded by Bob Baker.  All were in favor and the report was referred to the audit committee.



Joe Long and Bob Shaffer met with 12 guests from the Civil War Roundtable of Dallas, Pennsylvania for 1-½ hours on Saturday December 7, 2002.  A discussion was held on attending a meeting of the Civil War Roundtable.  No decision was made.


Bob Baker and Joe Long still trying to visit Factoryville Borough Hall.


Raffle ticket discussion from last meeting tabled until January 2003 meeting.


Bob Shaffer working on Don Cahoon’s Life Membership.  Dinner with PA Dept. Commander to present membership to Don to be discussed at January meeting.


Joe Long tried to contact Mark Myers, but had no success.


Flag Case – Ron Albert will check with Laramie Smith on progress.


Joe Long and Secretary Shaffer presented the American Flag on behalf of Camp #8 to the Searfoss Camp at their meeting on December 8, 2002.



Commander Albert suggested we have a photo taken of past Camp Commanders.  Joe Long volunteered to take the photo.


Commander Albert asked about the cannon issue.  Joe Long reported nothing new.


Potential new member Gary Pope was visiting the Camp and Museum.  Joe Long will present his application at the January meeting.


It was reported that New Jersey, New York, Delaware, Pennsylvania and Washington, D.C. are setting up a Regional group to discuss various problems of the different Departments.


Bob Baker asked about a copy of New Jersey Law about artifacts to see if Pennsylvania has the same Law.


The regular meeting was then adjourned and the installation of Officers for the 2003-year was then begun.  Installing Officer was Joe Long.

Commander: Ronald Albert

Sr. Vice: Howard Wolfe (absent)

Jr. Vice: John Schaefer

Secretary: Robert Shaffer (absent)

Treasurer/Historian: Joe Long

Patriotic Instructor: Charles Jones

Chaplain: John Hart


With no further business, questions or discussion, a motion to adjourn was made by Joe Long and seconded by Bob Baker.  All were in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Phillip C. Jones for

Robert C. Shaffer
