April 21, 2005


 There was no meeting held due to the lack of Officers.


Commander Wolfe, along with members Joe Long, Scott Teeters and Junior Member Douglas Teeters held a brief discussion concerning Memorial Day, The Appomattox Dinner and the Encampment.  The minutes for the March meeting were read.


Joe Long gave the financial report with the following information:

     160 members have paid their dues

     End balance - $6,036.27


Joe is working on a budget and will present it at the May meeting.


The Memorial Day program is in order and the ribbons have been ordered.  The Auxiliary will attend from Scranton.


The Encampment was discussed and the event is coming along in good order, however, not many ads have been sold.  If there are not more ads sold, the cost of the event will not be covered.  The Camp does not have the funds to pay for the event.  Encampment finances will be discussed at the May meeting.


On a sad note I must report that Brother Ron Albert passed away in April.  Many Camp members were at the viewing in Montrose and unable to attend the Camp meeting.  A discussion will be held at the May meeting to discuss recognition of Brother Albert.


Respectfully Submitted,

Howard Wolfe for

Robert C. Shaffer
