January 19, 2006


The meeting was called to order by Commander Howard Wolfe in ritualistic manner followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and a Roll Call of Officers.


Other members in attendance were:

Joe Long Bob Sulger John Hart Robert Baker Rich Ryczak
Bob Shaffer Ray Sulger Frost Decker Scott Teeters Douglas Teeters
Jeff Krause Eric Krause Mike Grayson    


The minutes from the November meeting were read.  A motion to accept the minutes was made by Bob Baker and seconded by Ray Sulger.  All were in favor.       


Joe Long suggested that the Camp Chaplain stand down and let the SVR Chaplain take his place.  John Hart made it known that he would be the SVR Chaplain and not the Camp Chaplain.      Maybe if asked he would take on both positions.



Joe Long read the financial report with the following information:                    

     End balance was $3,417.51

     91 members have paid their dues

     Help fund at $144.50

     Ticket winner – November 5 – Val Osifer

     Ticket winner – November 26 – Chris Matys

     Ticket winner – December 17 – Joe Coleman


A motion to accept the financial report was made by John Hart and seconded by Bob Baker. All were in favor and the report was referred to the audit committee.



Commander Wolfe read Dept. Order #2, series 2005-2006, on the clarification of storage of records and documentation.



Joe Long ordered the flags and markers for the cemetery.


Bob Baker suggested we put a copy of the current by-laws on the website.


Bob Baker wrote an editorial on the biography of Dr. James Dunn.  He’ll bring a copy of the book to the next meeting.


John Hart gave many details on the Civil War Remembrance Day ceremonies in Scranton on Saturday, April 22, 2006. If interested in more information, log on to the website at


John Hart reported that the SVR was to attend Lincoln Day ceremonies in Philadelphia.


A suggestion was made that we erect a flag pole in any unattended cemetery to recognize veterans.


Commander Wolfe suggested that we put together a photo album of all the past commanders.



Secretary Shaffer read correspondence on the correct way to fill out the form 22 to be sent to the Department Secretary.  Shaffer also received raffle tickets from the Daughters for sale prior to Encampment.



At this time the meeting was closed and the installation of officers was open by installation officer Howard Wolfe.  All new officers attending were then sworn in.


The gavel was then presented to new Commander Robert Baker and he outlined his agenda for the next year.


With no further business, questions or discussion, a motion to adjourn was made and the meeting was closed in ritualistic manner.

Respectfully submitted,

Robert C. Shaffer
