February 21, 2008  


The meeting was called to order by Commander John Hart Jr. in ritualistic manner followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and a Roll Call of Officers.  This was the first official meeting in our new location.


Other members in attendance were:

Scott Teeters Douglas Teeters Bob Baker Joe Long Mike Grayson
Howard Wolfe Ray Sulger Steve Thompson Rich Ryczak Joe Ferrara


The minutes from the January meeting were read and approved.  


Two rules were added pertaining to the behavior of members during a meeting:

     1.  All members should uncover their heads in the meeting room

     2.  All members must wear their badges.  A one dollar fine will be imposed on anyone who forgets their badge.


Commander Hart then asked for a moment of prayer for Lt. Al Sweeney who is very ill at this time.



Joe Long read the financial report with the following information:                    

     Help money was $ 196.50

     Bill Wilson had the winning ticket for January and Joe Coleman for February

     End balance was $4518.06

     31 members have not paid their dues.

The treasurer’s report was approved.



As stated, Lt. Al Sweeney is very ill.



Commander Hart noted the Delaney-DeLacy Guard will represent the Camp in the upcoming Scranton St. Patrick’s Day parade on March 15.  The Guard will meet at the Scranton Club at 11:00 a.m. and form up to join the parade.  Afterwards, we are invited to refreshments on the second floor of the Scranton Club.


There was some discussion about the order’s by-laws.  Commander Hart remarked that the Policies and Procedures Committee is so befuddled that a lot of time is taken to accomplish little instead of furthering the order.  Howard Wolfe countered that in an organization as old as ours, we must show some respect for the way it has functioned.  Commander Hart says he respects the past, but thinks the National Order should try to further itself throughout the nation.


Commander Hart also asked Bob Baker if he could get a listing of local libraries so the Camp may someday donate copies of history books dealing with the Civil War.  He feels this is a good way to inform future generations about the American Civil War and create an interest for younger people.  This lead to a discussion on how the project would be funded.  Commander Hart admitted the Camp needs more fund raising projects.  He suggested that our organization could sell chances on an item, such as a Civil War style Springfield rifle.  He appointed Frost Decker to find out about the possibility of getting such an article for the raffle.


Commander Hart then announced his intent to raise a monument in Lackawanna County Courthouse Square dedicated to the 200th birthday of Abraham Lincoln.  He said money was raised for such a project in the 1880’s, but someone absconded with the funds.  Mike Grayson countered that the story was not true, that a statue three feet high was created and presently exists as part of the Lackawanna Historical Society collection.  He later e-mailed a copy of an 1894 newspaper article about the presentation of said statue to the Ezra Griffin GAR Post.


Treasurer Joe Long noted that Camp member Chad Long sent his dues for 3 years (2008-2011).


Bob Baker said he would like to thank Joe Long, Howard Wolfe, Ray Sulger, Scott and Douglas Teeters for their work on our new headquarters.



Howard Wolfe said we should design and make ribbons for the upcoming Memorial Day ceremonies.  The event is only a few months off.


Commander Hart showed a plaque for our new location and noted that the Delaney-DeLacy Guard was not mentioned as part of the organization.  He felt they have given Camp 8 a lot of public exposure and would like to be officially recognized as the military component of Camp 8.  Bob Baker suggested the discussion be continued at our next meeting.


Members then voted to change next month’s meeting date to Thursday, March 13, because the third Thursday of the month will fall on Holy Thursday.


With no further business, questions or discussion, a motion to adjourn was made and the meeting was closed in ritualistic manner.

Respectfully submitted,

Richard Ryczak for

Robert C. Shaffer
