November 12, 2009  


The meeting was called to order by Commander Raymond Sulger in ritualistic manner followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and a Roll Call of Officers. 


Other members in attendance were:

         Bob Shaffer

Joe Long

Mike Grayson

Scott Teeters

         Douglas Teeters

David Teeters

Dale Keklock

Frost Decker

         Bob Sulger

Craig Kelly

Chester Kowalski

Homer Butler

         Bob Baker





The minutes from the October meeting were read.  A change to the minutes:  Charge per person for the Christmas Party is to read $12.50.  A motion to accept the minutes was made by Mike Grayson and seconded by Bob Sulger.  All were in favor. 



Joe Long read the financial report with the following information:                    

     End Balance as of meeting date  $3,347.84

     Includes dues for 88 members

     Help Money - $155.00

     Ticket winner for October – Stanley Matys


A motion to accept this report was made by Mike Grayson and seconded by Dale Keklock.  All were in favor.



Joe Long mentioned that Melvin Milner had a slight heart attack. He will check with family and send a card. Secretary Shaffer read a thank you card from the family of John May.


Commander Sulger then appointed Dale Keklock to an investigating committee concerning the five (5) veterans buried in the McDonnell Cemetery in Scranton.  He will gather as much info as possible.  SVC Sulger passed around a newspaper article about the cemetery.


Commander Sulger then headed a discussion on the Graves Registration and how things are supposed to be done.  Mike Grayson asked who input this information and is there a trail to see who entered the information on the one veteran that was listed.


Secretary Shaffer read correspondence from the Department Secretary outlining what is to be accomplished in the upcoming months.



 Joe Long talked about the Christmas Party and asked that members be available on Wednesday evening, December 2nd, between 6:30 and 7:00 pm to help with cleaning and set up for the party.  He discussed Open House and asked that more members attend to help to keep an eye on the visitors.  Joe also reported that the DAR visited last Wednesday with 12 members and a group of Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts with 27 members were also there.  He also mentioned having a work party to do maintenance on the back room so that we can have storage space.  He also suggested we do a cleaning of the Museum.


Joe thanked Mike Grayson for getting soda for the hall and Scott Teeters for sending out the sympathy cards.



Craig Kelly presented a Civil War Assessment document he put together on two cannons in Stroudsburg, PA.  There was no information on who placed them there and with this the Historical Society addressed the issue and found that GAR Wadsworth Camp #150, back in 1897 was instrumental in getting the cannons.  Craig also made 15 copies of the forms so that if anyone else came upon a memorial, they could get it documented.  All information will be held at the Museum until we find out how National will handle them.


Commander Sulger read information on the PC and PP dinner that will be held in Gettysburg on the weekend of Remembrance Day.  Everyone is welcome.


SVC Sulger commented on the ceremony to dedicate the hallway outside the Museum in honor of deceased member and president of the Lackawanna County Historical Society, Alan Sweeney.  Many questions were raised as to why members were not notified so that they could show their respect.  The Mayor sort of blamed it on his secretary, but no one knows for sure.  At least Commander Sulger, Joe Long, Scott, Douglas and David Teeters, and John Hart were there to open the doors of the Museum so that visitors could tour the area.  Secretary Shaffer reported that he was contacted by the City Hall Reporter regarding Open House hours and frequency.  Bob also stated he was also emailed by another individual inquiring about the Museum hours.


Commander Sulger reported that the Appomattox Day Luncheon will be held on Saturday, April 17, 2010, at 1:00 pm at the Genetti Hotel in Williamsport, PA.  Joe Long suggested that we should think of having here in Scranton, possibly in 2011, while Howard is in office.  He will check and get back with us at an upcoming meeting.


Joe Long suggested that all members able to attend the 2010 Department Encampment in New Cumberland should be there to show their support for Howard Wolfe, who is to be sworn in as the new Department Commander.  Anyone attending will need to have a Credentials Card signed by the Camp Secretary in order to vote.


Bob Baker made a motion that the Secretary cast one vote by acclimation to seat all Officers in their present position for the next year.  The motion was seconded by Mike Grayson, all were in favor, and Secretary Shaffer cast his one vote.  All Officers will hold their respective offices and if any of the appointed feel they need to step down, they should contact Commander Sulger.


With no further business, questions or discussion, and nothing for the good of the Order, the meeting was closed in ritualistic manner.

Respectfully submitted,

Robert C. Shaffer
