January 21, 2010  


The meeting was called to order by Commander Raymond Sulger in ritualistic manner followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and a Roll Call of Officers.  


Other members in attendance were:

Bob Shaffer Joe Long Mike Grayson Scott Teeters
Douglas Teeters David Teeters Dale Keklock Howard Wolfe
Frost Decker Chester Kowalski Bob Sulger Craig Kelly


The minutes from the November meeting were read and a motion to approve was made by Mike Grayson and seconded by Dale Keklock.  All were in favor.



Joe Long read the financial report with the following information:                    

     End Balance as of January 19 -  $4,881.84

     November 29th ticket winner – Gerald Butler

     December 19th ticket winner – Dorothy Kelly

     Help Money - $165.00

     120 Members have paid their dues for 2010


A motion to accept this report was made by Mike Grayson and seconded by Dale Keklock.  All were in favor.



Joe Long reported that Brother Melvin Milner had open heart surgery and is still in intensive care.  He will make certain to get a card out to him.



Dale Keklock reported that the land next to the McDonnell Cemetery was to be cleared and the new burial stones will be placed there.  Dale stated there are 5 veterans buried there.  He had 2 records on hand and the other three were acquired from Bob Tuffy at the Veterans Affairs Office in Scranton.



Howard Wolfe reported that he will make signs for the door and in the hallway pertaining to Open Houses to be scheduled.  He will work with Joe Long on this project.


Joe Long stated there is an Open House on Saturday, the 23rd of January and asked to have as many members present as possible.  We will have at least 6 members by a show of hands.



Commander Sulger reported that the Lincoln Luncheon will be held in New Cumberland on February 13, 2010 at Doc Holiday’s.  The cost is $26.00 and should be submitted to Dave Demmy.


Joe Long reported that he would like to have a new cabinet for the coffee area.  Bob Shaffer made a motion that Joe look into this cabinet at Mariotti Lumber and get prices.  Dale Keklock seconded and all were in favor.


Frost Decker reported that he is still in the process of acquiring three new members.  He asked if anyone had any information of the 95th Pennsylvania Volunteers.  He also stated that only 60 of the 1100 members lived.  Mike Grayson said there was a book in the Museum on the 95th at Gettysburg.


Commander Sulger spoke of the Sesquentenial coming up next year.  He suggested that we look into having a small Civil War Encampment or living history either at Nay Aug or McDade Park for a week if possible.  Frost Decker will check to see what he can do with the 95th and Dale Keklock will check with the 81st re-enactors.


Commander Sulger also reported that the Taylor Historical Society is featuring Paul Mattis, a re-enactor from the 81st  PA Volunteers, on February 16, 2010, from 6:45 to 8:30 pm.  He will speak on “A Day in the Life of a Civil War Soldier”.



Joe stated we should start thinking about a guest speaker, a person to give the Pledge of Allegiance and Gettysburg Address.  Dave Teeters volunteered to give the Pledge of Allegiance.  Commander Sulger suggested that when thinking of a guest speaker, we should bring the name up at a meeting and then approach the individual.  We will also have the Ladies join us at the next meeting to get their input.  The Dunmore Band was not ready last year when asked to play the Battle Hymn of the Republic, mainly because the Band Leader was not at his station.  Howard Wolfe suggested that if another band is needed, we compensate them.  Joe Long will talk to the Dunmore Band Leader and make sure he knows everything that is going on.  It was also suggested that we invite him to a meeting so that he knows what is expected of him and the band.



Commander Sulger then relinquished the Gavel to Senior Vice Commander Bob Sulger so that he could report on the progress of the headstone for John W. Barnes in Forest Hill Cemetery.  He has spent many months since last June filling out forms and sending them in.  He has had three rejections and many other problems with what information should be on the form.  Then he was told that there were specific individuals who could apply for these replacement stones, such as next of kin, and if none, the funeral director, cemetery head or the land owner.  After all of this he contacted the place in Tennessee to see if anything else was needed before he sent this paperwork out to them.  He was then told that now he needs the Military Record of the individual.  The process is getting more complicated every time.  Joe Long suggested that we contact Lee Stone, a dual member of the Camp from Virginia.  He has always stated he would do anything to help the Camp by going to the Archives when he had the chance to do any type of research and get needed paperwork.


With no further business, questions or discussion, a motion to adjourn was made and the meeting was closed in ritualistic manner.

Respectfully submitted,

Robert C. Shaffer
