February 18, 2010  


The meeting was called to order by Commander Raymond Sulger in ritualistic manner followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and a Roll Call of Officers.  


Other members in attendance were:

Bob Shaffer Joe Long Craig Kelly Scott Teeters Douglas Teeters
Dale Keklock Howard Wolfe Frost Decker Joseph Ferrara Mark Myers
Bob Gregory Steve Thompson Rich Ryczak Homer Butler Harold Bowers
David Lauer (Guest) Paul Lauer (Guest) David Teeters    


The minutes from the January meeting were read and a motion to approve was made by Dale Keklock and seconded by Bob Gregory.  All were in favor.



Joe Long read the financial report with the following information:                    

     End Balance as of February -  $4,891.37 (Most being dues to be paid to Dept)

     January 23rd ticket winner – Andy Premko

     Help Money - $176.00

     126 Members have paid their dues for 2010


A motion to accept this report was made by and all were in favor.


Craig Kelly reported that the Girl Scouts present at this meeting had a great time and enjoyed visiting the Museum.  This visit prompted them to try to learn of their roots and ancestry.  He also reported that they would be honored to come to the Dunmore Cemetery and help us celebrate on Memorial Day.  He also suggested that we may ask one of the Girl Scouts to give the Gettysburg Address.  This will be discussed later.



Commander Sulger appointed Rich Ryczak, Homer Butler and Bob Gregory to a Committee to review the applications of David F. Lauer Sr., Paul A.J. Lauer and Justin C. Swan.  The Committee unanimously accepted these members.  At this time, Commander Sulger interrupted the meeting to initiate the two members, David and Paul Lauer, present at the meeting.  



Secretary Shaffer passed around a card from the Girl Scout Troop thanking us for their visit to the Museum.  Numerous comments were made on their enthusiasm and were commended for their behavior.


Commander Sulger then asked Craig Kelly to ask the Ladies to join us for our Memorial Day discussion.  After discussion, Craig Kelly was asked to contact the Junior Girl Scout Troop #273 Leader, Kathleen Lopez, to ascertain if one of the girls would give the Gettysburg Address.  He will check and report back at the March meeting.  Joe called the Dunmore Band Leader and he will get sheet music for the Battle Hymn of the Republic for this year’s service.  Joe Ferrara suggested that he could contact 1 of 3 members of his old Camp in New Jersey to serve as a Guest Speaker.  Christine Yarns also suggested Paul Matticks who spoke to the Taylor Historical Society.  Steve Thompson agreed that having a re-enactor would show an emotional view of life.  Craig Kelly asked if maybe we could have Mr. Matticks give a small presentation at a Camp meeting.  Christine reiterated that Mr. Matticks would stick to a given time limit.  Joe Long said we should put a list together and the Commander should have the final say.  Mary Jo Long suggested that anyone hearing someone of interest should come to a meeting and add them to the list.  Homer Butler suggested that a Cemetery Narrator might be a possibility.  The Invocation will be given by Judy Wolfe and Benediction by Scott Teeters.  The wreath laying will be arranged by Ladies President and other ladies.  This will be discussed and reported at our next meeting.  Bugler, Capt. John Hart is a definite maybe.


The 81st re-enactors will be contacted about a living history or encampment during the Sesquentenial.  Frost Decker will also check with his group to see it they would be interested.



Joe stated we should start thinking about a guest speaker, a person to give the Pledge of Allegiance and Gettysburg Address.  Dave Teeters volunteered to give the Pledge of Allegiance.  Commander Sulger suggested that when thinking of a guest speaker, we should bring the name up at a meeting and then approach the individual.  We will also have the Ladies join us at the next meeting to get their input.  The Dunmore Band was not ready last year when asked to play the Battle Hymn of the Republic, mainly because the Band Leader was not at his station.  Howard Wolfe suggested that if another band is needed, we compensate them.  Joe Long will talk to the Dunmore Band Leader and make sure he knows everything that is going on.  It was also suggested that we invite him to a meeting so that he knows what is expected of him and the band.



Joe Long reported that there would be an Open House on Saturday, February 20th, and asked as many members as possible be present.  The next Open House will be March 20th and there will be a Board meeting on March 11th.


Commander Sulger, in an effort to save time, reported on three items of interest to the Camp.  He was contacted by Mary Ann Moran of the Lackawanna County Historical Society to see if there was a possibility of having the Museum Open on April 10th and 11th, 2010.  The Civil War Ball we be held on the 10th at the Scranton Cultural Center, tickets $35.00 per person or $60.00 per couple.  This year there will also be a spectator ticket, member price $5.00, non-member $7.00, where you would only be allowed on the balcony to view the festivities.  On the 11th, at the Library, there will be a Victorian Tea and Ladies Fashion Show.  We were asked if the Museum could be opened so that the husbands would have something to do for two hours.  Mary Ann also contacted Gary Roche, noted Gettysburg Battlefield Tour guide and Great-Great Grandson of Patrick DeLacy, Medal of Honor recipient, to give a presentation.


Commander Sulger also reported that Elizabeth Davis of the Children’s Library, asked if we could open the Museum on Sundays, March 21 and the after as they are having a program on the Civil War for the month.  Ray and Mary Sulger would dress in period attire and visit the Library.  He will check and get times.  He also said we would need others to staff the Museum for the visitors.


Commander Sulger then advised the Camp that he did not know Secretary Shaffer was handling the cost of having the Camp Website hosted and that it was not free.  Secretary Shaffer paid for this year and should be reimbursed the $30..0 paid out.  Dale Keklock made a motion to reimburse the cost and Bob Gregory seconded and all were in favor.  Joe Ferrara made a motion that we budget this expense in next year’s budget.  Howard Wolfe stated that we rely on the sale of tickets to help defray the cost of running the Camp and we do not have a lot of money coming in to the treasury.  A discussion followed on getting members to help Joe sell the tickets and possible fund raisers.  Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.  Joe Long suggested that we table this discussion and put it on the floor in October as a budget item.  At this time, Joe Ferrara, withdrew his motion.


Secretary Shaffer made a motion to take out a full page, $50.00 ad, in the Department Encampment Book for 2010.  Craig Kelly seconded and all were in favor.  Joe discussed how the ads generated the funds to run the Department Encampment. 



Secretary Shaffer reported that Joe Long donated two books to the Museum:  Confederate Strategy form Shiloh to Vicksburg and The Alabama Confederate Reader.


With no further business, questions or discussion, a motion to adjourn was made and the meeting was closed in ritualistic manner.

Respectfully submitted,

Robert C. Shaffer
