February 17, 2011


The meeting was called to order by Commander Robert Sulger in ritualistic manner followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and a Roll Call of Officers.


Other members in attendance were:

Ray Sulger Justin Swan Frost Decker Howard Wolfe
James Holdridge Donald Holdridge Dale Keklock Bob Shaffer
Joe Long Jr. Craig Kelly Mike Grayson Mark Myers
Bob Baker Steve Thompson







The minutes for the January meeting were read.  A motion to accept the minutes was made by Mike Grayson and seconded by Dale Keklock.  All were in favor.  



Joe Long read the financial report with the following information:

     End Balance - $6,280.57

     Help Fund - $217.00

     January Ticket Winner - Mary Jo Long


A motion to accept the financial report was made by Bob Shaffer and seconded by Mike Grayson.  All were in favor.



Joe Long reported that the Teeters family were done with colds.


Secretary Shaffer read two (2) General Orders from the Commander in Chief.


Department Commander Wolfe reported that a few members of the Camp were present at the reception beginning the Civil War exhibit at the Everhart Museum.  All in all, it is a very nice display and everyone attending had a great time.  It was reported that some of the articles may be returned because of space requirements, but this will be determined later.  The Curator did a good job in setting up the display and it should lend in the publicity of the Camp.


Commander Sulger reported that the SVR was involved with ceremonies in Scranton in February.  Two schools from the Scranton area were also there to honor the birthday of President Lincoln.  The festivities ended at the Scranton Club.


There will be an Open House on February 22nd at the Museum and all members are urged to attend.


Joe Long reported on the Appomattox Luncheon to be held on April 9th at the Hilton in Scranton.  All members should attend since it will be a Camp hosted event.  Mark Myers volunteered to play patriotic songs on his accordion.  He also noted that anyone coming to the Department Encampment, also to be held at the Hilton in Scranton, should try to make the meeting on Friday and Saturday.  If this is not possible, try to come to the banquet on Saturday night.  He also suggested that we support the Encampment Booklet by placing ads.  Ray Sulger added that both events are in our backyard and should be supported by all members.  Entertainment is needed at the Encampment and if anyone should have any ideas, please contact Joe Long.


Bob Baker brought in copies of the Examiner and Advance with the article about the Everhart display.  It also had Department Commander Wolfe on the front page.



A discussion was started on the subject of participating in parades in Scranton, especially since this is the beginning of the Sesquicentennial of the Civil War.  Department Commander Wolfe suggested that a Committee be formed to explore this idea.  Commander Sulger interrupted and asked the Ladies to join us for this discussion.  Commander Sulger asked if Craig Kelly would head the Committee and he agreed.  He then asked for other volunteers and Dorothy Kelly and Mary Rose Sulger, along with Ray Sulger, all volunteered for this task.  It was also noted that anyone wanting to march in a parade could; they do not need a uniform, just wear your badge.



Craig Kelly reported on the activities of the Civil War during the month of February, 1861 to 1865.  This was also special because the birth of President Abraham Lincoln.  This celebration of his birth, at that time, was called Union Defenders Day.  The Camp was then invited to join in the singing of the Battle Hymn of the Republic.


Commander Sulger reported that SVR Adjutant Ray Sulger and Member Steve Thompson were depicted in the Banner at Remembrance Day in Gettysburg.


Department Commander Wolfe reported on an upcoming event involving Camp #1 from Philadelphia would honor a Civil War veteran, William T. Simpson, buried in the Dunmore Cemetery.  They would also be honoring a veteran from our area.  More information will be forthcoming.  Joe Long reported that he had a phone call and a meeting is to be held with the Philadelphia Camp on Saturday, the 26th of September.  All members interested in being part of this venture should come to this meeting.  DC Wolfe also suggested that the Camp be more involved with public activities.  He also reported that John Hart had contacted the Mayor for his support of the Sesquicentennial.  Camp #1 would also like to hold a living history at Nay Aug Park.  This will also be discussed on the 26th.  Ray Sulger suggested that since the SVR cannot be a participant due to lack of items for the living history, a table be manned with information about the SUVCW and our Camp.


Mike Grayson reported that Dr. Simpson from Olyphant was a descendant of William T. Simpson and maybe he should be contacted about this event.  It was tabled until the next meeting so that further information will be available, such as date and time.

With no further business, questions or discussion, the meeting was closed in ritualistic manner.

Respectfully submitted,

Robert C. Shaffer
