March 17, 2011


Due to the unfortunate passing of Commander Bob Sulger's mother-in-law, Sylvia Williams; the meeting was called to order by Department Commander Howard Wolfe in ritualistic manner followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and a Roll Call of Officers.


Other members in attendance were:

Douglas Teeters Scott Teeters David Teeters
Joe Long Craig Kelly Mike Grayson
Harold Bowers Bob Baker Steve Thompson


Absentee Officers: Camp Commander, Bob Sulger; Sr. Vice Commander, Frost Decker; Jr. Vice Commander, Dale Keklock and Secretary, Bob Shaffer.


The minutes for the February meeting were read and all were in favor.  



Joe Long read the financial report with the following information:

     End Balance as of March 17th - $7,288.55

     February Ticket Winner - Russ Jones

     125 members have paid their dues

     April 1st - dues will be due

     3 or 4 members may be dropped 


A motion to accept the financial report was stated and all were in favor.


The funeral for Bob Sulger's mother-in-law will be held tomorrow, March 18th at Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ Church, Peckville, PA.  Chaplain Scott Teeters provided a card of condolences for the Sulger Family and asked the members in attendance to sign.


Brother Kelly reported on Armed Forces Parade committee.  Update: Upon contacting the Mayor's office, they gave us the go to person, Ms. Sandy Opshinsky of the Parks Department of Scranton.  She in turn placed us in contact with Major John Thomas of the Pennsylvania National Guard.  He is a member of the Armed Forces Day Parade Committee.  Major Thomas provided our committee with an application to submit to march in the Parade.  Brother Ray Sulger filled out the application and is the contact person of record.  No copy is available of the submitted application at this time as Brother Sulger was at the viewing of his brother's mother-in-law.  Armed Forces Day Parade is May 21st, 2011, 11am to 1pm, Scranton, PA.  This year is the start of the Sesquicentennial of the Civil War.  All Camp #8 members, Auxiliary #10 and SVR are invited and encouraged  to show their support and respect in honoring the men and women of our Armed Forces, both past and present, by marching in this years' Armed Forces Day Parade.


Open House is May 21st.  The Museum will be open after the Armed Forces Day Parade.  All members, supporters, friends and family are invited back to the Camp for refreshments.


SVR, Sons and Auxiliary - Craig Kelly will have a sign-up sheet for upcoming Armed Forces Day Parade.



David Teeters will be doing the Pledge of Allegiance.  The Auxiliary will ask if the Girl Scouts are willing to give the Gettysburg Address.  We also need a guest speaker.


The Philadelphia Camp is planning a Memorial to William Simpson at the Dunmore Cemetery during the Department Encampment.  More details are to follow at the next meeting from Joe Long.


Civil War Community Day is Sunday, June 5th.  Must reply by May 10th.


March 22nd, Ryan Leckey will be at the Everhart Museum from 5 to 9 pm.



Civil War Timeline, 1861 to 1865.  Mark Myers played 3 Civil War songs ending with the Battle Hymn of the Republic.


Reminder: The next meeting of Camp #8 will be April 14th and our next Open House is April 16th.

With no further business, questions or discussion, a motion to adjourn was made and all were in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Robert Baker

for Robert C. Shaffer
