May 19, 2011


The meeting was called to order in ritualistic order by Commander Robert Sulger followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and a Roll Call of Officers.


Before the commander started the meeting, he thanked the Camp for their sympathy at the passing of his wife.


Other members in attendance were:

Ray Sulger

Howard Wolfe

Joe Long

Steve Thompson

Mike Grayson

Steve Narsavage

Don Holdridge

Chester Kowalski

Scott Teeters

Douglas Teeters

David Teeters

Dale Keklock


Absentee officer: Sr. Vice Commander, Frost Decker and Secretary Bob Shaffer.


The minutes for the April meeting were read and a motion to accept by Mike Grayson and seconded by Joe Long, after a minor correction was made.  It says “anyone attending the Encampment must have credentials on file” and it should state “have a credential card with them.”  All were in favor.   



Joe Long read the financial report with the following information:

     April Ticket Winner -

     Help Members Fund - $


A motion to accept the financial report was made by Mike Grayson and seconded by Dale Keklock.  All were in favor.



A show of hands was called for the members attending the Encampment: Ray Sulger, Bob Sulger, Howard Wolfe, Joe Long, Steve Thompson, Bob Baker, Scott, Doug and David Teeters.


Ray Sulger reported on the Armed Forces Day parade.  All those attending should be at the GAR Hall by 9am.


Scott Teeters gave a report on the traveling Civil War exhibit.  It was interesting but was geared more toward the average person than any form of organization.



Bob Baker gave a report about his trip to Fort Sumter for the 150th Anniversary of the start of the Civil War.  Bob also reported on an upcoming program in New Milford on July 9th.  It will be a tour and presentation of the Underground Railroad.



Howard Wolfe had received a request from a 6th grade teacher in New York about obtaining some information about the Civil War to present to his students.  Howard sent him a copy of the letters we have on file and the teacher was thrilled when he received them.


With no further business, questions or discussion, a motion to adjourn was made and all were in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Raymond Sulger

For Robert C. Shaffer
