September 15, 2011


The meeting was called to order in ritualistic manner by Senior Vice Commander Frost Decker followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and a Roll Call of Officers.


Other members in attendance were:

Ray Sulger

Howard Wolfe

Joe Long

Bob Shaffer

Mike Grayson

Don Holdridge

Scott Teeters

David Teeters

Douglas Teeters

Craig Kelly

Justin Swan

Steve Narsavage
Dale Keklock   Steve Thompson


Absentee officer: Commander: Ray Sulger.


The minutes for the June meeting were read and a motion to accept by Ray Sulger and seconded by Mike Grayson.  All were in favor..   



Joe Long read the financial report.

          Ticket winners will be announced in October


A motion to accept the financial report was made by Dale Keklock and seconded by Mike Grayson.  All were in favor.



Joe gave a brief report on his condition.


National and Department General Orders, information from Lizzy Biancchi about where to send donations for her senior project and invitation to attend Local History Day at Library in Hamlin, PA.


Steve Thompson asked what a reasonable donation would be for the senior project.  Joe Long responded either $50 or $100 dollars would be sufficient.  Steve Thompson made a motion to make a $50 donation and Joe Long seconded.  All were in favor.  PDC Howard Wolfe asked for a clarification as to what the donation would be used for.


Joe Long reported that attendance at the Open Houses is down, especially members to help out with the visitors.  He asked that everyone make an effort to help in any way possible, even if it is just for an hour or so.  The schedule for upcoming Open Houses is as follows: October 22 and November 12; December will be tabled for now.  Our November meeting will be held in November 10th.


Joe Long stated that he and Mary Jo will no longer be able to chair the annual Christmas Party.  He suggested that a Committee be appointed to check out all possibilities.  He and Mary Jo would be available for consultation.  Secretary Shaffer would be available to send notices.  SVC Frost Decker asked for volunteers for the Committee.  Scott Teeters suggested it may be too late to contact an outside facility, but if it was to be in-house there would be no problem to contact a caterer.  The Ladies came in after the meeting was adjourned and informed the members that they had a Committee and Craig Kelly and Steve Thompson would be the Camp volunteers.


Joe Long reported that the Testimonial for PDC Howard Wolfe went well.  There were 27 people in attendance and not many from the Camp.



Dale Keklock reported that Paul Matticks was selling all his re-enactment items.


SVC Frost Decker asked for a moment of silence for the fatalities of 9/11 and all of our military.


SVC Frost Decker announced that Dual Membership of Justin Swan.  The SUVCW and the Son of Confederate Veterans and showed his Badge to all.


Ray Sulger stated that all dues, Camp and SVR, must be in on time because of the filing date due to IRS.  He also needed to know all SVR Members that would be at Remembrance Day.



Joe Long stated that we must support our Camp and especially the Museum.


Patriotic Instructor Craig Kelly gave a timeline of the Civil War from September 1861 to 1865.  He also reported on the lost message from General Lee.


With no further business, questions or discussion, a motion to adjourn was made and all were in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Robert C. Shaffer
