March 15, 2012  


The meeting was called to order in ritualistic fashion by Senior Vice Commander Frost Decker.


Other members in attendance were:


Bob Shaffer Ray Sulger Joe Long Howard Wolfe
Dale Keklock Justin Swan Homer Butler Bob Gregory
Don Holdridge Doug Teeters Dave Teeters Scott Teeters
Giovan Lisi      


Commander Sulger was absent.


The minutes for the February meeting read and approved.  A motion was made to accept the minutes as read by Dale Keklock.  All were in favor.


The financial report was read by Joe Long with the following information:

No February ticket winner #441

Help money was $227.00

4 members have still not paid dues

A motion to accept was made by Steve Thompson and 2nd by Ray Sulger.  All were in favor



It was noted that Brother John Schaefer passed away on March 14th, 2012.



Giovan Lisi and Rain Keating.  Committee of Dale Keklock, Bob Gregory and Steve Thompson reviewed and accepted applications.



Wayne County Memorial Restoration.  Motion made by Joe Long and seconded by Dale Keklock to send a donation of $100.00 from the Camp.  Howard Wolfe also suggested we send the addresses for the Department, National and Camp in Bangor.


Armed Forces Parade on May 19, 2012.  Ray Sulger said that a copy was received by the Delaney-Delacy Guard.  Need to know by next meeting if anyone from the Camp is interested in marching.



Ray Sulger thanked Don Holdridge, Steve Thompson and Bob Gregory for their appearance in the St. Patrick's Day Parade.


Joe Long reminded everyone that there would be an Open House on March 17, 2012, and asked that anyone available, to please attend to help out.  We will also be hosting a group of Brothers from the Harrisburg and Sunbury Camps on March 31, 2012 and asked everyone to attend to show the hospitality they so much deserve.  They will be touring the Museum and refreshments will be served.  It is important to show them a good time.  Everyone should arrive early so that the Museum can be cleaned and straightened up before their arrival.  Other Open Houses will be held on April 14th (moved because of the Appomattox Luncheon) and May 19th, day of the Armed Forces Day parade.  Everyone was encouraged to be involved because of the possibility of a big turnout.  Scott Teeters mentioned that we should start at the next Open House to clean and tidy up the Museum.


Joe Long mentioned Memorial Day.  We will need to get a gust speaker for the program, someone to read the Gettysburg Address and Brother David Teeters volunteered to do the Pledge of Allegiance.  The Ladies were then asked to join us for their thoughts and recommendations.  Joe also mentioned he was glad to see the number of Members present.



Brothers Frost Decker and Justin Swan were acknowledged for their great job they are doing cleaning the weaponry in the Museum.  It is an on-going project.


Department Commander Howard Wolfe suggested that we conform to Department Policy by using ballot boxes to vote on new members.  This will consist of the ballot box, two trays of marbles (white for yeah and black for nay).    Each attending member gets a vote and one black ball fails the applicant, thus the term "black balled."  Procedures similar to that of the Masons.


Scott Teeters reported on his trip to his hometown to attend the funeral of the Commander of Camp #89, Brother Bob Hileman who passed away last month.  It was an unexpected death by all.  The Sons Funeral Ritual was done by the Camp members.


Acting Commander Decker than asked Department Commander Wolfe to initiate our new member, Giovan Lisi.


Department Commander Wolfe than reminded everyone about the upcoming Appomattox Luncheon and annual Department Encampment.  He stressed that all Brothers should attend as many events as possible.  Joe Long added that we need to know as soon as possible who will be attending the Encampment so that Secretary Shaffer can get the Credential Cards submitted.


50/50 drawing was won by Secretary Shaffer.


With no further business, questions or discussion, the meeting was closed in ritualistic manner.  


                          Respectfully submitted,

Robert C. Shaffer
