June 14, 2012  


The meeting was called to order in ritualistic fashion by Commander Robert A. Sulger Jr.


Other members in attendance were:


Bob Shaffer Ray Sulger Joe Long Howard Wolfe
Craig Kelly Doug Teeters Dave Teeters Scott Teeters
Bob Baker      


Sr. Vice Commander Frost Decker and Jr. Vice Commander Dale Keklock were absent.


The minutes for the May meeting read and approved.  A motion was made to accept the minutes as read by Doug Teeters and seconded by Scott Teeters.  All were in favor.


The financial report was read by Joe Long with the following information:

No June ticket winner as it has not gone off yet

A motion to accept was made by Craig Kelly and 2nd by Scott Teeters.  All were in favor



Joe Long reported that there are no meetings in July or August, but we still have Open Houses on July 21st and August 18th.  He asked as many members to be there as possible.


Memorial Day went well.  It was a nice day and the turnout was good.  The PA system also worked well.



Joe Long asked for four volunteers to carry flags (GAR, Camp, Spanish American and the new 34 Star American Flag - if ready) on the 4th of July at Nay Aug Park.  Possible volunteers are Bob Baker, Howard Wolfe, Doug Teeters and Scott Teeters.  They will let Joe know so that he can get the names on the Program.  Commander Sulger will possibly represent the Camp.  Craig Kelly raised the question of whether the new American Flag should be carried and Joe will contact Francis Tyson.


Bob Baker summarized his activities for the past month.  He thanked Doug and Dave Teeters for their participation in an event.  He also brought up that the Traveling Road Show is almost out of money and that they will only be able to make 14 out of 20 planned events.  He also suggested a bus trip from Tunkhannock to the Museum.  He visited Gettysburg numerous times.  Bob also suggested a speaker for an upcoming meeting.  Ken Adams speaks on Galusha Grow, elected on July 4, 1861, as Speaker of the House during the Civil War.  He was from the Nicholson area.  He will try to set this up for the October meeting.


Howard Wolfe showed a t-shirt with the GAR emblem surrounded by the other Allied Orders.  He will bring this up to the Department and try to get a National License to sell the shirt as a fund-raiser for the Museum.


Joe Long reported that the terms of 3 members of the Memorial Association (Joe Long, Bob Baker and John Hart) need to be renewed.  Nominees were Joe Long, Bob Baker and Craig Kelly.  A motion to accept these nominees was made by Bob Shaffer and seconded by Scott Teeters.  All were in favor.


Patriotic Instructor Craig Kelly gave a brief history of Flag Day.


Joe Long presented the Museum with an old type framed Sons of Veterans Membership Certificate.


50/50 drawing was won by Craig Kelly.


With no further business, questions or discussion, the meeting was closed in ritualistic manner.  


                          Respectfully submitted,

Robert C. Shaffer
