October 18, 2012  


The meeting was called to order in ritualistic fashion by Commander Robert A. Sulger Jr.


Other members in attendance were:


Bob Shaffer Ray Sulger Joe Long Howard Wolfe
Craig Kelly Doug Teeters Dave Teeters Scott Teeters
Frost Decker Dale Keklock Steven Thompson Mike Grayson


Guests: Alfred C. Carty, Pennsylvania Department Patriotic Instructor and Harry Mertz, Camp #273


All Officers were present and accounted for.

The minutes for the September meeting read and approved with one change: Joe forgot to mention the Open House on October 13th and we will also have an Open House on November 10th.  A motion was made to accept the minutes as read by Mike Grayson and seconded by David Teeters.  All were in favor.


The financial report was read by Joe Long with the following information:

July ticket winner - Dennicola

A motion to accept was made by Mike Grayson and 2nd by Dale Keklock.  All were in favor.



General Order #4 from the Commander-in-Chief changing the preamble to the National Constitution of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War.  Department Order #5 from Department Commander Essenwein about reports for the mid-year meeting.



Commander Sulger suspended the meeting to ask the Ladies to join for a discussion on the Christmas Party.  Mary Jo and Joe Long had contacted Maty's in Taylor.  Sit down dinner is $12.95 and a buffet is $16.95 per person plus 6% tax and 18% gratuity.  They also contacted the Hilton and they wanted $28.00 per person.  Each would have a cash bar.  Joe estimated that we would have 20 to 30 people and they would need the information in 2 weeks.  Steven Thompson made a motion to accept the Ladies advice and go with Maty's and Bob Shaffer seconded.  All were in favor.


It was also determined we would go with the sit down dinner.  Judy Wolfe will handle the invitation; Joe Long will handle the money and Danielle Shaffer will do the programs.  A $10.00 grab bag is optional.  We will also invite the Department Commander and Ladies President.


The meeting was then resumed.



Nomination of Officers was as followed:

     Commander: Frost Decker

     Senior Vice Commander: Dale Keklock

     Junior Vice Commander: Craig Kelly

     Secretary: Bob Shaffer

     Treasurer: Joe Long


Joe Long is still selling tickets for the Camp and the sword.  Camp dues are now due at $38.00 per member.  Joe also reported that in 1932, there were 143 members in the Camp and we now have 141.


Craig Kelly, our Patriotic Instructor wanted to remind everyone about their obligations to go out and vote in the November elections.


50/50 drawing was won by Howard Wolfe.


With no further business, questions or discussion, the meeting was closed in ritualistic manner.  


                          Respectfully submitted,

Robert C. Shaffer
