February 18, 2017  


The meeting was called to order in ritualistic fashion by Commander Hal Myers.


Other members in attendance were:

Bob Shaffer Mark Zurinski Dale Keklock Jerry O'Malley
Dave Teeters Giovan Lisi Don Holdridge Jim Kobeski
Jerry Skotleski Craig Kelly Joe Long Bill Fischer

Absent: Chaplain Scott Teeters and Darren Pitts

Guest: George Gyuriska


The minutes for the January meeting were read.  The motion to accept the Minutes was made by Dave Teeters and seconded by Giovan Lisi.  All were in favor.


The financial report was read by Joe Long with the following information:

          Help money - $285.00

          January Ticket Winner - Mary Mazzacarro


A motion to accept the report was made by Giovan Lisi and seconded by Dale Keklock.  All were in favor.



Bob Strangfeld and wife Barbara are recuperating from a bout of bronchitis.



William Fischer, Ian P. Myers, Eric M. Myers and Gavin P. Myers.  Commander Myers appointed a committee of Giovan Lisi, Jerry O'Malley and Jerry Skotleski to review these applications.  Everything was in order.



GO #12 - Issue concerning appropriate names of New Camps; GL #13 - Patriotic Instructors reports to National; GO #14 - Ruling on establishment of "Virtual Camps" and Thank You letter from the Lackawanna Historical Society.



Brother Jim Jones, Eagle Scout Coordinator reported there were no active requests for certificates during the month and he is making arrangements to attend the National Annual Meeting of the Boy Scouts in hopes of publicizing our organization with other Scout Councils.



Commander Myers brought up Memorial Day.  We will need to talk to Scott about chairs, Joe will check with the Dunmore band, the Mayor has not responded about being the Guest Speaker.  Jerry Skotleski suggested, if there is no response, that we contact Congressman Cartwright.  We could also contact Councilman Patrick O'Malley if need be.

Dale Keklock asked about our status in City Hall.  We have not heard anything and all attempts to contact the Mayor have gone by the wayside.  Craig Kelly suggested that we contact the City Council members and invite them to an event (i.e. Open House, etc.)  Jerry Skotleski also has someone he can contact to check on what is happening with our situation.

Commander Myers then asked for a vote on when to have our next meeting, either March 16th or 18th.  By vote, March 18th was set as our next Meeting with an Open House to follow at 12:30pm.



Commander Myers reported that a second Open House will be held the first Saturday of the month for the purpose of having visitors come to the Museum to do research and use our Library facilities.  Anyone available is requestes to come to help support the cause.

Commander Myers reported that a plaque has been made to honor Past Camp Commanders for their dedication to the Camp.  It has been placed on the wall in the Meeting Room.

It was also suggested that the Memorial Association contact the Scranton Library to set up exhibits for the community to see.  They would have to be secured and locked at all times.  Forms will also have to be filled out for the temporary loan to the Library.  Commander Myers also reported that the Historical Society is also looking into taking on a project to help with the book rebinding.  We could also do a book signing and have guest speakers to help with the publicizing of our Camp.  With this, Commander Myers gave his outlook on the future of the Camp.

Giovan Lisi then reported on his experience at the Remembrance Day Parade in Gettysburg in November.  he had a great time and carried the Camp Flag in the parade.  He also purchased a Confederate bumper hat at an antique shop in Gettysburg and displayed it for the members.  He also presented the Camp with a streamer to attach to the Camp Flag.



Jerry O'Malley then gave a moving talk on the Army Cavalry from its inception during the Civil War.  He played a song "Join the Cavalry" to get the members inspiored.  This song was used to excite and motivate young men to join the Cavalry.  Brother Jerry did an excellent job and we commend him for his presentation.


Mark and Alana Zurinski donated some books to the Museum.


With no further business, questions or discussion, the meeting was closed in ritualistic manner.



                          Respectfully submitted,

               Robert C. Shaffer
