April 21, 2018 

The meeting was called to order in ritualistic fashion by Commander Mark Zurinski.


Other members in attendance were:

Dale Keklock Craig Kelly Jim Kobeski Tim Chase
Joe Long Jerry O'Malley Jerry Skotleski  

Officers Excused:  SrVC James Jones, Secretary Bob Shaffer


The minutes for the March meeting were read. A motion was made to accept minutes as read by Dale Keklock and seconded by Jim Kobeski. All were in favor.


The financial report was read by Joe Long. 

          No ticket winner for March 

          April drawing was April 21st 

          Joe asked for help in selling tickets 

          The Camp paid $300 for Mr. Serfass for his presentation of Genrral Grant


Dale reported that John Hart was in the hospital.  Which hospital was not known at the time.



A Membership Application for Paul Arcure was reviewed by a committee of three.  The volunteer committee was Jerry O'Malley, Dale Keklock and Jerry Skotleski.



G.O. #24 (revised) Request from Dept. of Missouri to appoint special committees; G.O. #24 Request from Dept. of Missouri to appoint special committees; G.O. #25 Request from Brother James Crane to step down as member of the National Encampment Site Committee; G.O. #26 Revocation of Charter William T. Sherman/Billy Yank Camp #65, Dept. of Missouri; D.O. #5 Re-Instatement of Pvt. Silas Gore Camp #141; D.O. #6 Re-Instatement of Mount Union Church Camp #502.


Commander Zurinski reported on the meeting of the Executive committee which took place on April 7th: 


Joe Long reiterated his need for people to sell tickets.

Commander Zurinski discussed proposed changes to the By-Laws.  April 21st was the 1st reading.  A second reading will be in May and the vote will take place in June.  At this point, Commander Zurinski read the proposed changes.  To see the By-Laws, you can visit the website at:



Jerry O'Malley expressed his gratitude on the General Grant presentation of Mr. Serfass and its success.  Over 100 people attended the two session on March 24th.  he added how "General Grant expressed how Vicksburg was more important to the Union victory than the Battle of Gettysburg."


Jerry O'Malley asked for help in cleaning and organizing the storage room especially with the addition of the new tables.  He also asked for help with the Library and placing stickers onto the books.


An Open House will be held on May 5th.


A motion was made to have the nect meeting on Saturday, May 19th.  All voted in favor.  Commander Zurinski pointed out that having the Camp meeting on the 19th conflicted with the Armed Forces Day Parade.  A motion was made to walk in the parade.  The majority of votes were to not walk in the parade.


Joe Long asked members to attend the Pennsylvania Encampment in Williamsport in June to help with voting.  The camp will pay your $7 fee to attend.


The Departed Brothers Ceremony will be held at the next camp meeting on May 19th.  Members are asked to wear their kapis if you have oen and your badge.


Jerry O’Malley was going to give his presentation at the Lincoln Wreath Ceremony at noon in Nay Aug Park.

With no further business, the camp was closed by Commander Zurinski in ritualistic manner.



 Respectfully submitted,

Jerry Skotleski 

for Robert C. Shaffer
