May 18, 2018 

The meeting was called to order in ritualistic fashion by Commander Mark Zurinski.


Other members in attendance were:

Jim Jones Jerry Skotleski Joe Long Giovan Lisi
Craig Kelly Hal Myers Robert FioRito  

Guest:  PA Dept. Commander Chris Carty

Officers Excused:  Secretary Bob Shaffer, Patriotic Instructor Jerry O'Malley


The minutes for the April meeting were read. A motion was made to accept minutes as read by Jim Jones and seconded by Giovan Lisi. All were in favor.


The financial report was read by Joe Long. 

          April ticket winner is Austin Eltora.



Jim Jones informed the Camp that they presented 3 awards to ROTC at the University of Scranton.  They were the first awards given and the presentation was well represented.  The Eagle Scout Committee has been in touch with other local colleges and hope to continue these award presentations.  The committee is looking to get in touch with the high school junior programs as well.  "Involvement in our youth will be phenomenal" as we continue this process.



G.O. #24 (revised) Request from Dept. of Missouri to appoint special committees; G.O. #24 Request from Dept. of Missouri to appoint special committees; G.O. #25 Request from Brother James Crane to step down as member of the National Encampment Site Committee; G.O. #26 Revocation of Charter William T. Sherman/Billy Yank Camp #65, Dept. of Missouri; G.O. #27 Meritorious Service Award with Gold Star to Gene Turner PDC; G.O. #28 Request from Dept, of Chesapeake for revocation of the charters of Luray-Carlisle Reunion Camp #1881 and Charles Sumner Camp #25; G.O. #29 Presentation of Mary Walker Award to Sister Carolyn Dyer, Dept. of Illinois; G.O. #30 SUVCW Scholarship Winners; G.O. #31 Memorial Day; D.O. #5 Re-Instatement of Pvt. Silas Gore Camp #141; D.O. #6 Re-Instatement of Mount Union Church Camp #50; D.O. #7 Report of activities to Asst. Chief of Staff Brother Ted Zeman; D.O. #7a Correction of Email Address; D.O. #8 Nominations for the Doctor Mary Edwards Walker Award; P.I. #1 Submission of Camp PI to complete Form 40; P.I. #2 Donatios to charity at Dept. Encampment.


Progess report on Memorial Day; assignments were given out and the day before the Camp will gather the equipment needed for the service.

Outline is ready but the program is not yet printed.  Dunmore Band will be there, but no idea if they have a bugler for Taps.  If not it is on tape.  Commander Zurinski read through the proposed program: (1) Call to begin by Commander Mark Zurinski; (2) Pledge of Alelgiance by Ireland Myers; (3) Opening Prayer by Chaplain Jim Kobeski; (4) Greetings by Ladies Auxiliary President Alana Zurisnki and Mary Jo Long; (5) Remarks by Mark Zurinski; (6) Musical selections by the Dunmore HS Band; (7) Logan's Orders read by Alana Zurinski; (8) Guest Speaker Brian Keator; (9) Remarks by Hal Myers about John House, a Veteran in the Dunmore Cemetery; (10) Presentation of wreaths by Alana Zurinski; (11) Invitation by Commander to children to help Dotty Kelly sprinkle flower petals on the graves; (12) Gettysburg Address by Jerry Skotleski; (13) Dunmore Band plays the Battle Hymn of the Republic; (14) Rifle salute by re-enactors; (15) Taps; (16) Benediction by Chaplain Jim Kobeski.

The Executive Committee is seeking grants from the County.  Alana Zurinski updated the plans for the picnic to be held at McDade Park on August 26th, 2018 from 12noon - 4pm.  Alana is asking for reservations and, if possible, people to bring a side dish.  A charitable donation to a group will be announced at the June meeting.  A Certificate will be presented in June to Jessica from the Library.  Volunteers are needed to help clean the back room and catalog in the Library.  An Open House will be held on June 2, 2018 from 12noon - 3pm.  The Towanda Camp re-dedication is on May 26th.  No one is attending so far.  Camp #8 donated $100 to them for their stone marker.



Commander Zurinski did a second reading of the proposed changes.  Hal Myers pointed out that an order has been given that the Commander and Chief has directed all camps to submit that into our By-Laws.  The oly real change is the change of our meeting date.  That is the only thing we are voting on is the date of meetings.  Brother Chris discussed whether the order is a legal order to meet the IRS standards.  Brother Craig explained the 4 in the order deals with the non-profit status.  At this point an extensive discussion by those present took place over General Order #18 and the four changes to the By-Laws.  The question that most seems most concerning is if we are voting on all for changes in one vote or will there be one vote for each of the 4 changes.  "The insertation of the language is are we voting line by line or are we voting on all the changes in one vote."

A motion was made to have our next meeting on Saturday, June 16, 2018 at 10:30am.  All were in favor.

The meeting was then suspended and the Ladies were asked to join us for the Departed Brothers Ceremony.  Those honored were:


Harry K. Mertz 2017 William E. House 1929 Weigant Pfeiffer 1929 Samuel William H. Martz 1930 Thomas H. Mead 1930
Thomas Pratt 1930 Irving W. Billings 1931 James C. DeGraw 1931 Joseph B. LeFrance 1931 C.A. Reeser 1931
Thomas H. Roberts 1931 John O. Unley 1931 Frederick E. Wilson 1931 Walter D. Evans 1932 Marvin Ruth 1932
Leslie F. Seaver 1932 Charles M. VanGorder 1932 Stanley Andres 1933 C.W. Colvin 1933 John R. Farr 1933
George H. Zimmerman 1933


The Ladies were then tahnked for their participation and excused to return to their meeting.



Joe Long spoke passionately about fundraising.  Hal Myers spoke of the success of the Lincoln Presentation on April 29th.  Brother Hal stated that the presentation went very well and he thanked people for their assistance.

With no further business, the camp was closed by Commander Zurinski in ritualistic manner.



 Respectfully submitted,

Jerry Skotleski 

for Robert C. Shaffer
