October 20, 2018  


The meeting was called to order in ritualistic fashion by Commander Mark Zurinski.


Other members in attendance were:

Bill Fischer Joe Long Jerry O'Malley Howard Wolfe Dale Keklock
Hal Myers Giovan Lisi George Gyuriska Michael Passero James White

Officers Excused:  SVC Jim Jones, Secretary Bob Shaffer and Chaplain Jim Kobeski


The minutes for the September meeting were read. A motion was made to accept minutes as read by Hal Myers and seconded by Giovan Lisi. All were in favor.


The financial report was read by Joe Long.

          No winner for October

A motion was made to accept minutes as read by Hal Myers and seconded by Giovan Lisi. All were in favor.



Hal Myers noted that Mark Myers lost his job at Wayne Memorial Hospital (has obtained a new job), but his wife is very ill.  As a result, the family finances are stretched and Mark is unable to renew his membership.  Since Mark has been a longtime asset to the Camp, Hal made a motion that the Camp pay his 2019 membership dues and that the Camp Commander and Chaplain make a visit.  The motion was seconded by Joe Long.  All were in favor.



Jim Jones noted in his report that he saw a news report about a Boy Scout who was working on his Eagle Scout Project at a local cemetery inconjunction with a Girl Scout working on her Gold Award and was impressed with the effort.  Jim was able to get the name of the Eagle Scout and found out that the Eagle Court of Honor will be held on November 10th at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Dingman's Ferry.  Jim also believes that the camp should provide Eagle Scouts with the SUVCW patch that is availbale through the National Quartermaster.  Jim is working to get the name of the Girl Scout and believes that the SUVCW or Camp #8 should provide some sort of recognition for girls achieving their Gold Awards.



Howard Wolfe, PDC, conducted the initiation of three new members: George Gyuriska Sr., Michael Passero and James White.  Howard explained the history of the SUVCW Rites of Initiation.



Several G.O.'s have been issued by the SUVCW CinC and were forwarded to Bob Shaffer to Camp members via email.  Commander Zurisnki noted G.O. #5, calling for the draping of charters in memory of Sister A. Mayberry, Past National President of the Auxiliary to the SUVCW (2007), who passed away on September 30, 2018.



Hal Myers and Dale Keklock gave a presentation at the Historical Society in Forest City, which was well received.  Dale is coordinating a future presentation at a new Historical Society that is being organized in Dickson City.  Hal noted that the Patriotic Instructor's Report was attached to the previous meeting minutes.  Hal does not believe that the report should be part of the official Camp meeting minutes.  Commander Zurinski had the Patriotic Instructor report attached since he wanted Camp members who missed the Camp meeting to be able to enjoy Jerry's presentations.  The Patriotic Report will no longer be attached to the Camp Meeting minutes but will be added to the Camp website and possibly printed and placed in a binder in the Camp meeting space.


Hal Myers stated that without advertising in local outlets such as the newspapers and Happenings magazine, the Camp and Museum are not getting enough inquiries and visitation.  Facebook is one method, but ti does not neccessarily reach the local people.  Following some discussion, Joe asked to table the topic.


Giovan is planning to participate in the Remembrance Day Parade in Gettysburg on November 17th.  A motion was made, seconded and passed by the Camp to allow Giovan to carry the Camp flag in the parade.



Slate of Nominees:

      Camp Commander - Jim Jones

      Sr. Vice Commander - Jerry Skotleski

     Jr. Vice Commander - George Gyuriska Sr. 

     Treasurer - Joe Long

Council of Administration are (per tradition), the three immediate past Camp Commanders.


There being no additions or opposition to the slate of nominees, the camp voted to accept the nominees.  Installation will occur at the November meeting since the Camp does not meet in December.



Dale will continue to reach out to local Historical Societies and related Organizations in order to expand visibility of the Camp and the Museum.

Hal stated that the lease of the Camp/Museum space expires next month.  Hal would like a letter to go to the Mayor asking to discuss the situation.  Library Officials stated that the Camp might be able to meet in the Albright Library's renovated meeting room.  However, a decision on the City Hall space needs to be made sonner rather than later.

Hal thought it would be great if the Camp could get WVIA (Public TV) to do a public interest piece on the GAR Museum and the SUVCW Camp.  This would certainly expand public knowledge of the Museum and Camp.



Jerry continued his detailed review of the Civil War, this time dealing with the events in Autumn of 1863.

With no futher business, the Camp was closed by Commander Zurisnki in ritualistec manner.

Respectfully Submitted

Bill Fischer


Robert C. Shaffer
