May 18, 2019  


The meeting was called to order in ritualistic fashion by Commander James Jones.


Other members in attendance were:

Joseph Long Jr. Bob Shaffer Dale Keklock Mark Myers
Jerry O'Malley Travis Andes

Officers Excused: SVC Jerry Skotleski; JVC George Gyuriska


The minutes for the April meeting were read. A motion was made to accept minutes as read by Lance Stange and seconded by Dale Keklock. All were in favor.


The financial report was read by Joe Long.  A motion was made to accept minutes as read by Mark Myers and seconded by Dale Keklock. All were in favor.

Commander Jones asked Treasurer Joe Long to give a brief talk on the selling of 50/50 tickets which help the Camp treasury.  The money collected from the sale goes to help the Camp with various expenses incurred during the year.  Without selling these tickets our treasury will slowly dwindle down to nothing.  Joe needs your help.  All members should help by buying tickets from Joe.  If you can't make a meeting, he will send them to you via mail.  Your help is greatly appreciated.  Commander Jones will also draft a letter explaining our need to sell tickets and what other monies are expended.

A motion was made to accept minutes as read by Dale Keklock and seconded by Jerry O'Malley.  All were in favor.


Commander Jones thanked everyone for their thoughts and prayers for Secretary Shaffer's daughter Mallory.  He also thanked everyone for their thought and prayers for his wife.  Mark Myers commented that his wife is also doing well and is expected home soon.  Hal Myers has stepped away for awhile to help with his wife Maggie.  Commander Jones also asked that we keep his son-in-law and his family in our prayers.



Eagle Scout Coordinator Jim Jones asked for volunteers to help him with two upcoming awards.  Mark Myers volunteered to present the award on June 2nd at Clarks Green.  Dale Keklock will be there to record the ceremony.  Joe Long and Jerry O'Malley will present an award at the Shavertown Fire Hall on June 30th.  There are also two more awards in June, but at present no more information.  He also reported that the ROTC program has slowed down and that there is also a JROTC program starting up next year in Monroe County.



Memorial Day Program is finished and will go to the printer shortly.  Joe asked for help transporting materials (chairs, podium, flags) to the Dunmore Cemetery.  Anyone wishing to help should be at the Museum on Saturday, May 25th at 10:30am.



Mark Myers has graciously accepted the position of Chaplain.



PI Jerry O'Malley read a portion of an article from the Banner entitled the "Voice of Patriotism."  He then proceeded to give a sypnosis of the war in May of 1864.  This included skirmishes in all parts of the country, including Virginia and Alabama.  There was fighting throughout the month near Richmond, Petersburg and Spotsylvania.



Secretary Shaffer reported that the Departed Brothers Ceremony will be held at the June meeting, and that he was sorry for the inconvenience.  There will also be a new member initiation ceremony in June for new member Travis Andes and anyone else who has not been initiated.


With no further business, the camp was closed in ritualistic manner by Commander Jones in ritualistic manner.


Respectfully submitted,

Robert C. Shaffer
