September 11, 2021


The meeting was called to order in ritualistic fashion by Commander Jerry Skotleski.  The Commander then welcomed the members back after a short break and on this somber day marking the 20th anniversary of 911, asked that we observe a moment of silence.


Other members in attendance were: 

Bob Shaffer Dale Keklock Jim Jones
Gary Snyder Gage Sacco Howard Wolfe
Rich Ryczak Mark Myers Tim Chase
Jerry O'Malley


The Commander resumed the meeting.


Officers Excused:  JVC Mike Passero and Temp Chaplain Hal Myers


The minutes for the June meeting were read. A motion was made to accept the minutes as read by Jim Jones and seconded by Mark Myers. All were in favor.

Treasurer Howard Wolfe reported minor expenditures, mostly secretarial.

The meeting was then suspended so that Commander Skotleski could perform the Initiation Ceremony for Gage Sacco.  Gage was presented with his membership badge and new member certificate.





There was no Treasurer's Report available.



Gage Sacco presented his application to Secretary Shaffer.



Jerry O’Malley reported that he visited the Civil War Plot of the Cathedral Cemetery and noticed two cannon bases in disrepair.  He was told that he should contact Dave Eisele, Head of Lackawanna County Veterans Affairs to see who would be liable for repairs to the cannon bases.  Jerry reported that the bases are cracking and splitting.  He will follow up and report at next meeting.


Jim Jones reported that the present Department Eagle Scout Coordinator, Tony Kline, has stepped down.  The new Coordinator is Don Houston.  Jim will be working with Don to develop a database for all Pennsylvania Scout Troops so that information about the Eagle Scout program can be more readily available.  Jim will also make it known that he can be contacted directly to speed up the process.


All General Orders and Department Orders will be emailed to members when Secretary Shaffer has a viable internet connection.


Howard contacted Diane Yoder about our prospective move and was informed they are addressing the insurance issue at this time and will get back to him shortly.  He also stated a few legal issues still have to be worked out.


Commander Skotleski was contacted by Auxiliary Member Julie Esty in regards to the upcoming Dunmore Cemetery Tours (October 3rd and 10th) to see if we could help her.  The help would consist of standing at certain areas within the Cemetery and answering questions, if asked.  Rich Ryczak and Mark Myers said they would dress in uniform and attend.  Mark said he would contact Julie to get more information.

Commander Skotleski was also called by Ron Skimanick, who will also be moving into the School for the Deaf with his military memorabilia.  Jerry had no information to give him about our proposed move.

Secretary Shaffer presented a Memorial Plate to the Museum that he received from Gavin Eisenman from Oil city, PA.  The plate read:  Memorial From Lt. Ezra S. Griffin WRC No.50, Scranton, PA June 14, 1909.  Howard was asked to make a display holder and tag for the artifact.

Dale Keklock reported that a Confederate soldier’s burial spot was found in the Archbald Cemetery.  His name was Patrick Curran and was reported to have pulled Confederate General John B. Gordon from the battlefield after he was shot.  They are to find a Camp in the South to see if they would like to memorialize his grave.  Will keep us posted.

Next meeting is Saturday, October 23, 2021 at 10:30am.  Jim Jones also asked if there was a way that we could also include a Zoom Meeting for those who could not attend personally.  This would have to be worked out since we do not have an internet connection in the meeting room.

GOOD OF THE ORDER:             

Mark Myers gave his reflections of 911 and his conversations with his mother (she passed in 2007).  They also included the years of 1939 thru 1945 and the Japanese invasion of Pearl Harbor.   



Jerry O’Malley gave his report on General Ulysses S. Grant and notably on his alcohol problem and depression.  He also included his Secretary of War, Major General John Rollins and the many facets of his position. 

With no further business or discussion; the meeting was closed in ritual fashion by Commander Skotleski.


 Respectfully submitted,

Robert C. Shaffer
