October 15, 2022


The meeting was called to order in ritualistic manner by Commander Jerry Skotleski.

Other members in attendance were:


Giovan Lisi Gary Snyder Bill Fischer
Dale Keklock Mark Myers Tyler Short
Rich Ryczak Carter Atkins Howard Wolfe

Officers Excused: SVC Hal Myers, Chaplain Tim Chase, and Secretary Bob Shaffer


Minutes from the June meeting were read.  A motion to accept the minutes as read was made by Mark Myers and seconded by Giovan Lisi, all were in favor. 



Howard Wolfe reported that we are in good shape.  A motion to accept the Treasurer's Report was made by Giovan Lisi and seconded by Gary Snyder, all were in favor.


Our thoughts and prayers go out to: Mark Myers and his wife who is in a care center and the move is permanent; Hal Myers and his wife Maggie who is at Regional Hospital; Rich Ryczak and his wife who is having surgery on October 18th; and Bob Shaffer who is having knee surgery on October 18th.



Secretary Shaffer received word that we CAN induct Charlie Matthias through a Zoom meeting.  Now that we know that we will get to work on that process.

Commander Skotleski looked into the cost of Zoom and it is $149 for a year's membership.  Howard Wolfe informed us of the possibility of doing it through Google Meets sine it is Free.  Commander Skotleski said he will check with his Tech guy at work to see if that can work.  Bill Fischer also brought up the possibility of Microsoft Teams.  Again, we are doing the research.



Nothing to report as Jim Jones is in South Carolina.



All General and Department Orders have been emailed to members. 



Bill Fischer reported to the Camp on the how and why details of the raising of dues $10 from National.  It basically comes down to the cost of printing “The Banner” for all members to receive a hard copy.  


There was discussion between Howard Wolfe and Commander Skotleski about the cost of life members and how much the Camp receives back from National since the Camp covers the dues for life members.  There are currently 17 life members.  So where does that put our Camp financially?

Two motion were made.  The first motion was made from Commander Skotleski to raise the dues from $39 to $50.  The motion was seconded by Bill Fischer.

The second motion was made by Howard Wolfe for the Life Members to pay the differance from the National that is currently cover by the Camp.  The motion was seconded by Bill Fischer.

NOTE: In order for a motion on the dues to pass, it must be read at 3 meetings before a vote.  A second reading will be held at the November meeting and a third reading and a vote will be held at the December meeting.

Bill Fischer reprted that the Camp has received a grant for $2000 to protect the pictures of our Civil War soldiers that hang on the walls in out Meeting Room and Museum.

Howard Wolfe then made a motion to publicly thank Bill Fischer for his tremendous Contributions and working to raise funds for the Camp in protecting our history.  The motion was seconded by Dale Keklock.

Bill Fischer attended the "Last Veterans Ceremony" in Monroe County back in September.  There will be a "Last Veterans Ceremony" with Camp #503 in Union County next Saturday and another by Camp #141 in Bradford County in November.

Commander Skotleski made a motion to move the November meeting from November 19th to November 12th due to the 19th being “Remembrance Day.”  Usually several members attend the parade in Gettysburg so he didn’t want to take away from people attending. The motion passed.



Nominations of Officers for 2023 are:

     Commander - Jerry Skotlesli -accepted the nomination

     SVC - Rich Ryczak - accepted the nomination

     JVC - no nominations

     Secretary - Bill Fischer - accepted the nomination

     Treasurer - Howard Wolfe - accepted the nomination

     Patriotic Instructor - Jerry O'Malley in absentia with Giovan Lisi as Assistant


Election of Officers will take place at the November meeting.



Carter Atkins reported that he was able to secure markers for family members at the cemetery in Hackensack, New Jersey.  

Bill Fischer is checking on the replacement stone for the stone that is broken in Dunmore cemetery. 

NOTE: The clock in the back of the room needs ONE “AA” battery. Maybe we could remember to bring one for the next meeting. 

Commander Skotleski thanked everyone for their input for what is a lot of work that has been done and yet needs to be done. 

Again: Next meeting is November 12th at 10:30 am.


With no further business or discussion, the meeting was closed in ritualistic fashion by Commander Skotleski.


Respectfully submitted,

Jerry Skotleski

Commander/Acting Secretary