February 18, 2023


The meeting was called to order in ritualistic manner by Commander Jerry Skotleskia at our new location at the Marketplace at Steamtown Mall, Scranton.


Other members in attendance were:


Bill Burns Tim Chase Bill Fischer Craig Kelly Howard Wolfe
Giovan Lisi Hal Myers Mark Myers Rich Ryczak

Officers Excused: Patriotic Instructor Jerry O'Malley


Minutes from the January meeting were read.  A motion to accept the minutes, seconded and approved by vote, with one correction: Treasurer's Rport date corrected to December 31, 2022 (not 2023). 



Howard Wolfe reported that 45 members have paid their dues including life members.  A motion to accept the treasurer's report, seconded and approved by vote.



Jerry O'Malley continues to have lingering health concerns. 

Prayers for Mark Myer's wife who resides in a skilled care facility



All General and Department Orders have been emailed to members.  Charter was draped for Auxiliary PNP Betty J. Baker.



Bill Fischer forwarded the amended camp by-laws to Department Commander DiFebo, who acknowledged receipt; still awaiting his review.  The secretary will contact the commander for an update on status. The camp by-laws will need to again be amended due to the change of meeting location, but first awaiting response from DC DiFebo on existing changes.


Bill Fischer sent out repeated notice that annual dues ($50) are due NLT March 1st, and reminded life members that they can transfer to Memorial Camp #300 (the PA Department-at-Large camp) if those brothers are not inclined to paying the required annual department per diem and camp dues (this year $17).  Life Member Robert Sulger transferred to Memorial Camp #300; no word from other life members who have not renewed Camp $8 membership.  Bill Fischer spoke with the SUVCW Exec Director, David Demmy, who is Memorial Camp #300 Commander, and Demmy stated that there appears to a significant drop in membership renewal following the increase in National per diem (now $33).



Bill Fischer stated that the Form 22 (Installation of Officers) and camp roster has been mailed to the Department Secretary before the February 15th deadline.


Recommendation that the camp hold its annual Lincoln Remembrance on Saturday, April 15th at Nay Aug Park; the Order is holding iys annual Lincoln Tomb Ceremony that same day in Springfield, IL, and it also coincides with President Lincoln's death date.  Camp agreed and will iron out details at the March camp meeting.


Memorial Day Remembrance will be held at the GAR plot in Dunmore Cemetery on Monday, May 29th.  Commander Skotleski will contact the Dunmore HS Band and local dignataries.  He noted that the Dunmore mayor was pleased to be invited and participate in last year's ceremony.  If you know of a potential speaker, to please contact the Commander.


The camp will visit Dunmore and Forest Hill Cemeteries on Saturday, May 6th, to replace the flags at the GAR plots, with a rain date of Saturday, May 13th.  Hal Myers recently visited and, given the mild winter weather, stated that the flags looked to be in good condition, with most probably not needing replacement.  Howard Wolfe stated that he usually receives notice from the county veteran service office when flags are available in advance of Memorial Day.  We also have flags to supplement.


As previously noted, the cannon pedestal at the GAR plot in Cathedral Cemetery is in disrepair and another veteran organization is supposed to repair it; that has not occurred.  Hal Myers said he would go to the cemetery to view and consider further action for the pedestal repair.



Bill Fischer stated that he emailed camp members a recently received National Skills Set Survey that the Commander-in-Chief had sent to all Departments.  Whle the survey is voluntary, the CinC hopes that members will complete it and return it to the CinC or National Secretary.


Commander Skotleski received a request from DUVCW Susan Peterseon asking about potential SUVCW membership for her father, Norval Treat, who lives in Tunkhannock.  The commander will forward the information to the secretary for action.  Tim Chase, who lives near Tunkhannock, offered that he would be willing to drive Mr. Treat to camp meetings/activities if he is unable to drive himself.


Hal Myers thanked the camp secretary for providing members with early reminders of upcoming meetings.


Bill Burns had a question about disposal of camp and GAR Memorial Association property should either entity fail; a short discussion followed.



Assistant Patriotic Instructor Giovan Lisi provided a history of legendary Civil War General William T. Sherman.


Bill Fischer provided some amusing background on wife Sue's experience as librarian at Gerneral Sherman Junior High School, then located on Union St. in Lancaster, OH (Sherman's birthplace), when placing an audio-visual order with a firm in the South as well as when she visited relatives who lived in Montgomery, AL, or when they visited her family in Lancaster.  At that point, Sue popped in to say "goodbye" (she had been visiting the ladies of Auxiliary #10), and, on hearing the discussion, stated that, "they're still fighting the was, ya'll."  Rich Ryczak noted that he recently met a direct descendent of Sherman.


Next camp meeting to be held on Saturday, March 18, 2023 at 10:30am.


With no further business or discussion, the meeting was closed in ritualistic fashion by Commander Skotleski.


Respectfully submitted,

William E. Fischer Jr., PCC
