Monthly Meeting

Ezra S. Griffin Camp # 8

November 11, 2023


The meeting was called to order in ritualistic manner by Commander Jerry Skotleski.

Members in attendance:

Hal Myers Tim Chase Bob Shaffer Dale Keklock Gage Sacco
Mark Myers Bill Burns Giovan Lisi Carter Atkins Bill Dixon
Jerry O'Malley Rich Ryczak Russ Jones Paul Rogan

Excused Officers: Howard Wolfe, Bill Fischer and Jim Jones


Minutes from the September meeting were read.


A motion was made by Giovan Lisi to accept the minutes and seconded by Tim Chase. All were in favor.



A camp balance was given by Bob Shaffer as the Treasurer was absent.



Continued prayers for Mark Myer’s wife who resides in a skilled care facility.

Bob Shaffer told members that Howard Wolfe is recuperating well.

Gage Sacco let the members know that his grandmother is in a coma.



Hal Myers stated he is aware of six individuals that will be obtaining their Eagle Scout this year and will work with Jim Jones on getting the information.



All General and Department Orders have been emailed to members.  Tim Chase and Bill Dixon also advised the members present that all Department and National correspondences will also be posted on the Camp Facebook page.



Commander Skotleski informed the members that the Camp and GAR Association had a productive meeting about the utility bills for the Museum.  He praised the informed decision that was made by all members involved.  Moving forward, the Camp will not assist in the monthly payment of the utility bill.  However, at the end of the year if the Camp is in good financial condition, a donation will be made to the Museum.


Commander Skotleski provided an update to the members on the transition from a Facebook group to a Facebook page.  The new page is operational and currently has three moderators: Tim Chase, Commander Skotleski and Bill Dixon.  Moving forward all General Orders, Patriotic Instruction and Camp-related information will be posted along with photos of Camp events when available.  Commander Skotleski advised the members that since last meeting more pornographic material was posted in the Facebook group and was quickly removed by Dale Keklock.  If it continues to occur, we may have to move up the deletion of the group to December 1st instead of January 1st.


Hal Myers proved an updated on the continued lack of communication or concern from Cathedral Cemetery staff on the deteriorating cannon pedestal in the GAR plot.



Commander Skotleski brought up moving the day of the next meeting to December 9th.  A motion was made by Commander Skotleski and seconded by Giovan Lisi.  All were in favor.



Jerry O’Malley led the Camp in a short Civil War trivia game.         



Hal Myers and Commander Skotleski presented Giovan Lisi with the Commander Award.  Giovan was given this award for his commitment to carrying the Camp flag in the Annual Remembrance Day parade each year in Gettysburg.



            Camp Commander                  Rich Ryczak

            Sr. Vice Commander              Mark Myers

            Jr. Vice Commander               Tim Chase

            Treasurer                                 Howard Wolfe

            Secretary                                 Bill Dixon


Commander Skotleski performed the initiation of the candidates for office in ritualistic fashion.  Upon completion of the initiation, all candidates took their elected positions.


With no further business of discussion, the meeting was closed in ritualistic fashion by Commander Skotleski.


Respectfully submitted,

William J. Dixon



After the completion of the meeting, Past Camp Commander Bob Shaffer presented Past Camp Commander Skotleski with his Past Camp Commander badge.