Monthly Meeting

Ezra S. Griffin Camp # 8

February 24, 2024


The meeting was called to order in ritualistic manner by Commander Rich Ryczak.

Members in attendance:

Bob Shaffer Jeremy Allen Bill Dixon Dale Keklock Bell Penwell
Russ Jones Jerry Skotleski Paul Rogan Giovan Lisi Mark Myers
Hal Myers

Excused Officers: SVC Tim Chase, JVC Bill Burns, Eagle Scout Coordinator Jim Jones


Minutes from the January meeting were read by Secretary Bill Dixon.  A motion was made by Mark Myers to accept the minutes and seconded by Hal Myers. All were in favor.



Treasurer Wolfe gave us the balance of the Camp.  A motion to accept the Treasurer's Report was made by Hal Myers and seconded by Giovan Lisi.  All were in favor.



Hal Myers told the members that Jerry O'Malley has been dealing with some medical issues.  A get well card was passed around to everyone in attendance to sign and will be mailed by Jerry Skotleski.



Hal Myers provided an update on the continued deterioration of the cannon pedestal at Cathedral Cemetery.  He informed everyone that upon completing research he found that the GAR placed the cannon at the cemetery.  Hal Myers had a conversation with the Director of the cemetery and found that the city has only painted the base but never performed maintenance.  Bill Dixon has a friend who owns a masonry company.  He is going to reach out to him and ask him to visit the cemetery and draw up a number as to what it would cost to fix the base.  Hal Myers brought up about looking into a grant from the county once the price of the repairs is known.



A voice vote on the new members was called by Commander Ryczak.  All were for the new members.  Bill Penwell and Jeremy Allen  were installed in ritualistic fashion by Commander Ryczak.



All General and Department Orders have been emailed to members.



Bill Fischer submitted to Secretary Dixon receipts for reimbusement.  A voice vote was called and were in favor.


Planning for the Lincoln Ceremony was discussed.  The ceremony will be held April 20th after the monthly meeting.


A discussion was held about members marching in the St. Patrick's Day Parade.  Hal Myers let everyone know that Charlie Spano will be using his vehicle with signs advertising the GAR Memorial Association and the Camp.  Bill Dixon will email all members and inform them to contact Charlie or Paul Rogan if they'd like to attend.



Giovan Lisi gave a presentation on Civil War Nurse Mary Ann Bickerdyke.



The next meeting will be held on Saturday, March 16 at 10am.


With no further business of discussion, the meeting was closed in ritualistic fashion by Commander Ryczak.


Respectfully submitted,

William J. Dixon
